Tubular LMS stenosis. LCx ostial stenosis
LCx D1 Case 3. RAO10. Tubular LMS stenosis LAD
LCx LAD Case 3. RAO 30. Tubnular LMS stenosis and ostial LCx stenosis
LAD LCx Case 3. LAO caudal. Tubular LMS stenosis. Ostial LCx stenosis
CAse 3. RAO10. Wires in LAD and LCx. POBA LMS into LCx
Case 3. RAO 30. POBA in LMS into LAD
LAD LCx Case 3. RAO 30. POst LMS/LAD stent. LCx ostial lesion arrowed
Case 3. RAO 10. POBA into LCx ostial stenosis
LAD LCx Angio post LMS/LAD stent and POBA LCx origin
Case 3. LAO caudal. Kissing balloons in LMS/LCx/LAD
LAD LCx Case 3. RAO 30. Final result