POPULATION Population Growth Population Structure Population Policies Migration
“Population means the number of people living in an area “Population means the number of people living in an area. This can be the world, a country, a town or even a small area.”
World Population Change What’s happening?
By 2050 the world’s population is expected to have grown from 6 By 2050 the world’s population is expected to have grown from 6.6 billion to 9 billion
23 countries have over 50 million people In 1950 only 9 countries were this big
1 out of every 6 people are Chinese
The countries with the fastest increase are Islamic
In these 40 countries, the total population trebled between 1950 and 1998, so that 43% of their population are under 15
Between 1960 and 1990 the world’s population doubled
It took 433 years for the UK to double in size It took Africa just 27 years!
On average women in the UK are having 1.6 children
In contrast women in Niger are having an average of 8 children
95% of babies born each day are in LEDC’s
In Japan the average length of life is 82 years
In Lesotho the average length of life is just 38 years
Since the beginning of this presentation 344 babies have been born
Since the beginning of this presentation 109 people have died
The world’s population has grown by 235 in the last 2 minutes!
Task Think about what you have just read. Write 5 bullet points to summarise the main trends. What could be some of the problems if these trends continue?
Task Think about what you have just read. Write 5 bullet points to summarise the main trends. What could be some of the problems if these trends continue?
World Population Growth Explosion
Add these statements to the correct place on the population line graph The population explosion begins. People die at an earlier age. People are living longer. People have poorer diets. Healthcare improves in poor countries The number of births is only slightly above the number of deaths. There are less births than deaths in MEDCs. Lots more houses are needed.
World Population Growth 8 5 1 3 6 4 2 7
Use pages170 onwards or the glossary in the text book to help you. Key words for the topic In your exercise books write a definition for the following words: birth rate death rate natural increase infant mortality rate life expectancy population explosion population pyramid dependency ratio demographic transition model Use pages170 onwards or the glossary in the text book to help you.
How do we know how many people there are?
Believe it or not there are people who study population as a job. These people are called DEMOGRAPHERS. They help predict what will happen to the population in the future.
THE CENSUS A census is a questionnaire issued by governments every 10 years. The next census will take place this year, 2011. The questionnaire asks about age, sex, ethnic group, religion and occupation. Everyone must be included in the census by law.
Why do governments need population information to plan for the future?