Classification Go to: Naming Go to: Kingdoms Home Back to
The bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana, is most closely related to the — F spotted chorus frog, Pseudacris clarki G Asian flying frog, Polypedates leucomystax H northern leopard frog, Rana pipiens J African bullfrog, Pyxicephalus adspersus Home Back to classification Things in the same genus are related to each other. 12
Which of these classifications is most specific? A Family B Genus C Phylum D Order Home Back to classification K, P, C, O, F, G, S 49
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A African hunting dog (Lycaon pictus) B Gray wolf (Canis lupus) Dogs (Canis familiaris) are most closely related genetically to which of the following organisms? A African hunting dog (Lycaon pictus) B Gray wolf (Canis lupus) C Grizzly bear (Ursus arctos) D Domestic cat (Felis catus) Home Back to classification Organisms in the same genus are closely related. 1
A laboratory investigation included examining prepared slides of pond water. Single-celled organisms with a nucleus and either cilia or flagella were visible. These organisms probably belong to the kingdom — F Animalia G Fungi H Plantae J Protista Home Back to classification These 3 kingdoms are normally multicellular, though there are some unicellular fungi, but the fungi would not have cilia or flagella. 4
One characteristic shared by a virus and a living cell is that both — Home Back to classification One characteristic shared by a virus and a living cell is that both — F store genetic information in nucleic acids G have a crystalline structure H gain energy directly from the sun J use glucose for respiration 42
Which of the following factors helps spread disease-causing bacteria? F Low temperatures G Access to new hosts H Mutation by heat energy J Availability of light Parasites need a method of traveling from one host to another to continue their species. Home Back to classification 14
This organism most likely is a member of which kingdom? F Eubacteria Home Back to classification This organism most likely is a member of which kingdom? F Eubacteria G Protista H Animalia J Plantae Single cell with nucleus 32
The kingdom Animalia includes all of these except — A jellyfish B sponges C amoebas D roundworms Home Back to classification Protista 31
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Multicellular eukaryotes that are usually mobile and obtain food from other organisms probably belong to the kingdom — A Plantae B Fungi C Animalia D Protista Home Back to classification Multicellular, but make their own food. Multicellular fungi are not mobile. Unicellular usually. 37
Some zooplankton belong to the kingdom Home Some zooplankton belong to the kingdom Protista. Members of this kingdom are characterized as — A having segmented bodies with jointed appendages B containing one or more eukaryotic cells C laying eggs with a leathery protective shell D having a four-chambered heart Back to classification Kingdom Protista is mostly unicellular eukaryotes, with some multicellular plantlike organisms. 17
F biochemical diversity G small sizes H round shapes Some bacteria thrive in hostile environments, such as salt flats, boiling-hot springs, and carbonate-rock interiors, primarily because of bacteria’s — F biochemical diversity G small sizes H round shapes J methods of movement Home Back to classification Diversity means ‘differences’. 2
Big center vacuole of water. Home Back to classification Square cell Nucleus Walls Chloroplasts Big center vacuole of water. The cell above most likely belongs to an organism of the kingdom — F Animalia G Plantae H Fungi J Eubacteria 38
J photosynthesize at a faster rate Compared to annual rings of trees that have experienced years of sufficient rainfall, the annual rings of trees that have experienced a dry period will — F be softer G grow at a faster rate H be thinner J photosynthesize at a faster rate Home Back to classification 52
The diagram illustrates the parts of this flower The diagram illustrates the parts of this flower. Which of these parts are not directly involved in sexual reproduction? A Stigma and style B Sepal and pedicel C Anther and filament D Receptacle and ovary Back to classification Home 3
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This animal most likely belongs to phylum A Porifera B Annelida Home Back to classification This animal most likely belongs to phylum A Porifera B Annelida C Mollusca D Arthropoda This animal is segmented but these are NOT jointed legs. 53
Home Back to systems Body systems
Home Back to systems
B integumentary system C excretory system D endocrine system Blood Nutrients from digested food move from the digestive system directly into the — A circulatory system B integumentary system C excretory system D endocrine system Home Back to systems Blood Skin/hair/nails Urine/kidneys Hormones 29
Which system of the body would be directly Home Back to systems Which system of the body would be directly affected if a large number of T cells were attacked by a virus? A Cardiovascular system B Immune system C Endocrine system D Respiratory system Blood and heart White blood cells Hormones Breathing/lungs 41
Home Back to systems The diagram represents a human arm. Which structure is most responsible for moving the arm to a straighter position? A Tendons of origin B Biceps C Radius D Triceps When a muscle contracts, it gets shorter. 29
F urethra → bladder → ureter → kidney A portion of the human excretory system is represented in the diagram. The order in which urine flows through the system is — F urethra → bladder → ureter → kidney G ureter → kidney → bladder → urethra H kidney → ureter → bladder → urethra J bladder → urethra → kidney → ureter Home Back to systems Ureter Urethra 16
Which structure in the upper arm is responsible for raising the lower arm? D 4 1. Anchor of a muscle. Home Back to systems 2. Tendons of a muscle. 3. Muscle that gets shorter. 4. Anchor of the muscle. 17
Your arms and legs are limbs. Home Back to systems Your arms and legs are limbs. You extend (move) your limbs when your muscles contract. Which of the following is directly caused by muscle action? F Regeneration of nerves G Healing of wounds H Release of hormones J Extension of limbs 6
Which system is responsible for producing enzymes that aid in breaking down substances to be absorbed for the body’s growth and repair? F Digestive system G Reproductive system H Respiratory system J Skeletal system Home Back to systems Makes food small enough to be absorbed by blood and needful cells. Makes gametes and sometimes nourishment for the young. Place of exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide. Place of mineral storage, blood cell production, muscle attachment, protection of organs, means of mobility. 48
F effects of stress on the first student’s heart rate Home Back to systems A ruler placed between one student’s fingers and thumb is released without warning. A second student catches the ruler. The distance the ruler falls is recorded. This experiment is most likely designed to determine the — F effects of stress on the first student’s heart rate G acceleration of the ruler during its fall H second student’s reaction time to a stimulus J force applied on a falling mass 46
D integumentary system The medulla, part of the brain stem, reacts quickly to increased levels of CO2 in the blood and stimulates a response from the — A excretory system B immune system C respiratory system D integumentary system Home Back to systems The kidneys react to other wastes in blood. The white blood cells react to pathogens. The lungs react to the muscles which react to the brain. The skin reacts to the hypothalamus(themostat.) 25
B Integumentary system C Endocrine system D Respiratory system Home Back to systems Which body system is directly responsible for delivering nutrients to cells throughout the body? A Circulatory system B Integumentary system C Endocrine system D Respiratory system 47
F skin rashes or lesions G elevated body temperature All of the following symptoms are likely associated with bacterial infection except — F skin rashes or lesions G elevated body temperature H swollen glands or tissues J increased red blood cell count Home Back to systems All 3 of these things can happen when you are fighting a bacterial infection. You build more white blood cells in response to infections, NOT red blood cells. 18
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In the diagram above, one cell creates and Home Back to systems Endocrine cells of a gland skeletal cells in a bone Muscle cells on a bone In the diagram above, one cell creates and releases chemicals that travel to a second cell and quickly induce that cell into action. This diagram represents part of the — A endocrine system B skeletal system C muscular system D nervous system 51
When a person is frightened by a wild animal, some organ systems immediately become active, while others are suppressed. Which of these systems is likely to be suppressed? F Muscular system G Respiratory system H Endocrine system J Digestive system Home Back to systems Hormones 28
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