getting it right for small businesses Social Media getting it right for small businesses
Agenda My journey – how marketing has been integral to my career The impact of social media for small businesses Why social media is key to our marketing strategy What are the challenges & pitfalls? Activity – present an outline marketing proposal Top tips on getting it right Q&A
My Journey
The IMPACT OF social Media for small businesses
There are nearly 7.5 billion people on earth and nearly 2 billion use social networks from a mobile device. More stats:
Social networks LinkedIn
Pros & Cons Social Media Traditional Media Inexpensive Time consuming Interactive / engaging Disseminates rapidly Measurable Traditional Media Expensive Short term results One way / non-reciprocal Permanent / tangible Hard to measure
Source: https://komfo
Source: http://www. steinarknutsen
Source: MushakRaj Solutions
Percentage of revenue spent on marketing Average spend = 9% for companies with >$25m in annual revenue Average spend = 11% <$25m in annual revenue Apple spends 7% Microsoft spends 18% Twitter spends 43% Aug 2014 Source:
is key to our marketing strategy WHY social Media is key to our marketing strategy
Source: http://webquacker. com
Platforms @BusinessClan
People buy from people that they know, like and trust
Challenges & Pitfalls for small businesses
Challenge #1 TIME
Timely responses Source via HubShout
Challenge #2 MONEY
Pitfall #1 NO STRATEGY
1 2 3 4 5 Source:
Pitfall #2 NO RESEARCH
Lack of research 4 July post The challenger exploding – NOT a cloud or some type of firework!
Pitfall #3 SILOS
ACTIVITY Price Proposal for a small businesses
Two scenarios – How can you help? Business 2 Consumer (B2C) Barbers Shop Business 2 Business (B2B) Start-up Consultancy Background 5 chairs 3 to 4 barbers Sell product Owner’s income £20K Objective Increase income by 50% Background Owner is an experienced consultant specialising in helping garage owners to manage their businesses Just moved from Australia to UK, so no contacts in the UK Has £10K to start-up Objective Make £40K in the first year
getting it right for small businesses MARKETING TOP TIPS getting it right for small businesses
Plan, action, grow PLAN Set goals, create a strategy, make a plan & communicate it to your team ACTION Implement the plan & manage your resources (time & money) GROW To stay ahead you must continually measure ROI, review & improve
getting it right for small businesses Q&A Marketing getting it right for small businesses Delia Porter Founder & Managing Director