Change Package Your Team Name: Family Futures Topic Area:DSS Name of the Intervention: DSS Screening Protocols/Ticklers Primary Driver: Standardized and reliable processes for developmental and behavioral surveillance and screening
Definition of the Intervention What is the intervention? Include a short definition of the intervention (1-2 sentences) Creation of DSS policies and put a tickler system in place to increase the number of ASQs completed on time.
Description of the Intervention When : Monthly Ticklers and Reminders from Program Manager/Data Staff Ongoing tracking via weekly supervision What : ASQs completed on time Where : Home Visits (ASQs being done) Healthy Start Offices (data entry/tracking) Prediction: With new ASQ completion policies and ticklers in place, the number of ASQs completed on time will increase. ASQ Sample Tickler
How is the intervention carried out? Include instructions about how to do the intervention (as if you were explaining it to some one who has never done it before) Healthy Start Data Specialist or Program Manager sends out ASQ Tickler the first week of the month to HV Supervisors so that home visiting staff know which ASQs are due according to PIMS that month. Healthy Start home visiting staff reply to ticker report with any families who will not be getting ASQs due to prematurity, creative outreach, or developmental delay. Follow up on ASQ completion is done by Supervisors and Program Manager throughout the month. ASQ Completion Reports are ran again at month end showing success or areas for improvement. Staff with missing screenings will be contacted and followed up with.
Evidence that the intervention is effective What did you learn? Simply adding and actually USING the tickler tool brought about huge improvement in ASQ completion Accountability increased ASQ completion Adjusting the number of ASQs due by eliminating ineligible families, increased the completion rate and encouraged staff What surprised you? Staff buy in. Even though it was additional steps in their monthly process, they appreciated the accountability and increased success. What will you do next? Continue to distribute ticklers and reminders Continue monitoring ASQ completion rate
Pre-requisites for the intervention Database or spreadsheet that tracks DSS completion. For our exact tickler system, Microsoft Access is needed. Data programming expertise Administrative or program staff time
Lessons Learned What did you learn? Successful Lessons: Simply adding and actually USING the tickler tool brought about huge improvement in ASQ completion Accountability increased ASQ completion Adjusting the number of ASQs due by eliminating ineligible families, increased the completion rate and encouraged staff ASQ discussions during supervision are happening regularly. Areas for future improvement: The team struggles with following up on referrals in a timely manner once ASQs are complete. The data entry process for all that is completed is not always entered in a timely manner.