End of Term Project 1: Mon Collège WILF LEVEL 3: full sentences with a variety of opinions + reasons, good choice of link words as well LEVEL 4: level 3 plus lots of detail, other peoples opinions (My friend George thinks that...), accurate spellings, word order & agreement LEVEL 5: level 4 plus reference to the future
YOUR TASK:To produce an advert OR leaflet about your school WHAT YOU MUST INCLUDE: Name of your school, what type of school it is (mixed etc) Information on the size (incl. how many students / teachers) What there is in your school + opinions Your timetable including break / lunch + what you like to eat & drink What subjects you study, which you (dis)like and why Information about your school uniform + opinions What you would like to have in your school What job you would like to do in the future
VOCABULAIRE USEFUL VOCABULARY: OPINIONS – jaime, je naime pas, jadore, je déteste Je préfère = I prefer, je pense que = I think that Il/elle préfère = he/she prefers, il/elle pense que = he/she thinks that Je voudrais = I would like to (LEVEL 4A/5C) LINK WORDS – et / mais / aussi / parce que / cependant(however) USEFUL WORDS – il y a= there is / there are, il a = it has, cest = it is, La matière = subject le collège = school sappelle = is called Luniforme = uniformla récré = break la pause de midi = lunch break Je porte = I wearles élèves = pupils les professeurs = teachers Mon emploi du temps = my timetable jai = I haveat = à
LAcadémie Cornwallis se trouve à Maidstone ~ The Cornwallis Academy is in Maidstone Il y a 1500 élèves ~ There are 1500 students Le Cornwallis offre beaucoup davantages ~ There are lots of reasons to come to Cornwallis Il y a beaucoup de raisons pour choisir le Cornwallis ~ There are lots of reasons to chose Cornwallis A lAcadémie Cornwallis on peut… At the Cornwallis you can … étudier beaucoup de matières ~ study lots of subjects travailler avec les ordinateurs ~ work on computers faire des amis ~ make lots of friends faire du theatre ~ do drama faire partie de beaucoup de clubs extra-scolaires ~ join lots of after- school clubs Il y a beaucoup dordinateurs ~ There are lots of computers Il y a une bonne ambience ici ~ There is a nice atmosphere Les professeurs sont excellents ~ The teachers are excellent Il y a des voyages scolaires ~ There are lots of school trips Nous avons des bons résultats ~ The school gets good exam results Je vais passer mes examens ~ I am going to take my exams VOCABULAIRE