Penguin Jeopardy 100 200 300 400 500 Emperor Gentoo Rock- Hopper
Where do the Emperor penguins live? South Africa Marshall Islands Antarctica
How much can an emperor penguin weigh? 100 lbs. 200 lbs. 120 lbs.
Who cares for an unhatched egg? Grandma and grandpa Mom Dad Emperor 300 Who cares for an unhatched egg? Grandma and grandpa Mom Dad
What do emperor penguins eat? squid, krill, fish Fish, shrimp Seals, fish, shrimp
What are the layers of the emperor’s skin that keeps them warm? Blubber Air Skin All of the above
Where do the gentoo penguins live? Antarctica Marshall Islands South Africa
How much do gentoo penguins weigh? 10 lbs. 50 lbs. 75 lbs.
What habitat do gentoo penguins like the best? The rocks The grassy areas The water all the time
How many eggs do gentoo penguins lay each year? 1 or 2 eggs
What markings make gentoo’s original from other penguins? White stripes Red feathers Pink feet All of the above
What climate do rockhopper penguins like best? Rocky places Grassy lands On ice with rocks
How much do rockhoppers weigh? 20-30 lbs 10-15 lbs 30-55 lbs
What makes rockhoppers look so different from other penguins? Yellow feathers around eyes Orange feet Both a and b
How many eggs do Rockhopper penguins lay? 1 or 2 eggs per year
What do rockhopper penguins eat? Fish Sea weed Fish, squid Fish, squid and krill
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