Refills, Not Landfills Louisiana State University Keep LA Beautiful conference September 28, 2016
KLB Partnership-Recycling Tigers
KLB Partnership-Take Back the Lakes
KLB Conference-Litteratti Campaign
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle 31,527 Students at LSU 4,500 tons waste landfill annually 3,500 tons of recycled materials annually Lots of coffee cups and water bottles! Even recycling bottles requires energy
Why reduce bottled water? LSU is committed to pollution prevention and sustainability 17 million barrels of oil annually in U.S. = Fill 1 million cars for 1 year 3 times more water required to make a bottle of it than to fill it In general, more than 80% bottles landfilled Producing bottled water = 3x amount of energy than tap water
Potential Positive Impacts at LSU If just 1,500 students (5%) switched to reusable bottles… Save over 14,000 gallons of water 5% LSU students switching = 44.8 metric tons CO2e Equivalent of 9.7 M passenger cars not driven for 1 year
Refills, Not Landfills Reusable Bottle Giveaway to Students – ~300 bottles $3,000 3 New Water Bottle Refill Stations at LSU $5,500 “Geaux Green” Pledge to use reusable bottles LSU Dining Discount 99 cent coffee for the entire month of October Contest / Prizes for “Best Selfie”
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Total # refillable water bottle stations: 11 Total # refills: 354,000 refills Total CO2e avoided: 213 tons Equivalents: 35 passenger vehicles removed from road for 1 year 53 tons of waste recycled instead of landfilled 17.4 homes’ energy use for 1 year Carbon sequestered by 156 acres of U.S. forests in one year
Installing the Stations…
Refills, Not Landfills Reusable Bottle Giveaway to Students – ~300 bottles 3 New Bottle Refill Stations at LSU “Geaux Green” Pledge to use reusable bottles LSU Dining Discount Contest / Prize for “Best Selfie”
Fall Fest 2016-Signing the Pledge
Bottle Giveaway-September 26, 2016
Bottle Giveaway-September 26, 2016
Social Media Response
Social Media Response
Future Reporting Total # student pledges Total # student use of LSU Dining discount Total # bottles avoided by count on 3 new refillable water stations Measure continued environmental and fiscal impacts Long-term campaign – every semester!
LSU + KLB=SUCCESS 4 LA DEQ Environmental Leadership Awards (2010, 2011, 2015 & 2016) 1 GameDay Recycling Challenge National Championship (2015)