How to Take a Soil Sample 1. Select an appropriate sampling tool. Spade, auger, or soil tube.
How to Take a Soil Sample 2. Make a sketch dividing the area into sampling areas. Front lawn, garden, flower bed, etc.
How to Take a Soil Sample 3. Avoid wet or bare spots, and test on soil that has normal plant growth.
How to Take a Soil Sample 4. Remove the surface litter, and take the correct depth of sample. For established lawns, this is 2 in. For crops, gardens, flower beds, etc., this is 6 in.
How to Take a Soil Sample 5. Submit separate composite sample for each significantly different area. Select 10 to 20 different areas and collect small samples.
How to Take a Soil Sample 6. Make a “v” shape with a spade. Then remove a 1 in. slice from one side of the cut. Then remove a 1 in. slice from the middle.
How to Take a Soil Sample 7. Air dry the soil. Do not use heat! Mix your composite samples in a clean bucket. Place 1 pint of this into a sample box. Fill in the information on the box.
How to Take a Soil Sample 8. Send soil samples to testing agency in soil sample bag. (Plain paper bags are acceptable. Ziploc bags will also work.)