Shannon Monroe 10th grade advanced English Thomas Paine Shannon Monroe 10th grade advanced English
Early Life Thomas Paine grew up in England. He worked many jobs in England: corset maker, cobbler, teacher, tax-collector. He did not do well in any of these fields; however, the jobs gave him an opportunity to meet and identify with many types of people. He develops a fondness for the poor, working class man.
Coming to America At age 37, Thomas Paine comes to America. Here, he again identifies with the struggle of the common man. He becomes involved in the Revolutionary movement. He publishes the pamphlet known as Common Sense. This pamphlet gives the first cry for independence from Great Britain.
Later Life After publishing Common Sense, Paine writes a series of essays known as The Crisis. He is banned from England as a traitor, but he returns to Europe. He moves to France and becomes imprisoned during the French Revolution. When he returns to America he experiences more problems.
Literary Elements of The Crisis, No.1 Hyperbole: a hyperbole is a literary technique which exaggerates some element of figurative language. This exaggeration is meant to give the reader an aversion to another idea. Paine’s diction paints Britain as tyrants. Uses emotional appeal and an ethical appeal to develop his persuasive technique in the essay.