Risk and Resilience: Drug Use Among Refugee Households BACKGROUND Afghan Refugees are the 2nd largest and the most longstanding refugee population worldwide. HYPOTHESES H1: Substance use (use of at least one type of illicit drug) among Afghan refugees is higher than the global rate. H2: Substance use is correlated with legal status, dwelling type, years of residency, gender, education, employment, and income. Afghanistan Trauma Substance Use Iran Pakistan Conflict Disease Torture Starvation War Loss 70% Afghanistan supplies 70% of the world’s opium Risk and Resilience: Drug Use Among Refugee Households The Case of Afghan Refugees in Iran *Mitra Ahmadinejad-Naseh, M.S. * Eric F. Wagner, Ph.D. *Miriam Potocky, Ph.D. | School of Social Work, Florida International University 2,035 Gender Dwelling type Education METHODS households were interviewed in 5 provinces in Iran RESULTS Self reported incidence of substance use Substance use (6.6%)> Average global rate (5%); Findings on gender, dwelling type, and education are in line with the findings of previous studies (Clarke, Clarke, Roe-Sepowitz, & Fey, 2012; Horyniak, Melo, Farrell, Ojeda, & Strathdee, 2016; Lowinson, 2005; ); Nearly half of the households lived below the income poverty line (46.24%) and the majority had low income; The majority of the surveyed households (85%) lived in Iran for more than 10 years; The majority of the surveyed adult Afghan refugees (82%) had a job. 2.3 .7 .7 B S.E Wald df Sig. Exp (B) Legal status Dwelling type Residency year Gender Education Employment Income Constant -.085 -.378 .087 .851 -.355 -.067 .000 -4.227 .349 .115 .015 .392 .105 .100 .777 .059 10.838 35.756 4.721 11.400 .445 .018 29.589 1 .808 .001 .030 .505 .893 .919 .685 1.091 2.343 .701 .935 1.000 6.6% Global rate is 5% (UNODC, 2016) A Path Travel Award, received from the Robert Stempel College of Public Health and Social Work at Florida International University, supported the first author’s conference participation.