IB Language B
What is Language B? Not the academic language of the school One of the 6 required components of IB Students receiving diploma MUST test in Language B Two Tests: SL- Standard Level HL- Higher Level- integrates literature into the course.
Promoting Rigor in Language B Constant exposure to authentic and current materials. High Level vocabulary. Fostering metacognition, circumlocution, and literacy for students to be able to understand unfamiliar texts, subjects, and vocabulary. Skills must be introduced at the lower levels in order to fully prepare students for their year(s) in IB. We cannot lower the bar in our classes. We, the teachers, are assessed based on how accurately we assess our students.
Themes of Language B Core Topics (Paper 1, Written Assignment, Interactive Oral) Communication and Media Global Issues Social Relationships Optional Topics (Paper 2 & Individual Oral) Cultural Diversity - Leisure Customs & Traditions - Science & Technology Health
GLOBAL ISSUES Food and Water Drugs- abuse, use, trafficking The international economy The environment and sustainable development Man’s impact on nature Migration Globalization Poverty and hunger Racism, discrimination, and prejudice Global warming, climate change, and natural disasters Energy reserves
Assessments of Language B Paper 1- Core Topics 3 articles testing vocab, comprehension, & literacy Paper 2- Optional Topics 5 prompts on various topics; 250-300 words (SL) 400-600 words (HL) Written Assignment- Core Topics Research paper based on 3-4 texts; 300-400 words
Assessments of Language B (cont’d) Interactive Oral- Core Topics In-class speaking assessments Speech, presentation, debate, skit, conversation, etc. Individual Oral- Optional Topics 15-minute preparation of 1 of 2 random images with a caption. 3-4 minute presentation by student 5-6 minute discussion with teacher