Aim: How do the characters Salva and Nya overcome conflict in A Long Walk to Water? HW: Online Scavenger Hunt! Our Course Policy sheet is on our webpage. Your job: Find it, print it out, sign it, and have a parent/guardian sign the sheet as well. Bring this in on Friday. Summer Reading Exam on Friday!
Aim: What do you believe the point of A Long Walk to Water is? DN: Think of a time in which you learned a lesson from a story. What was the message you learned? HW: Find the Course Rules sheet, print it, sign it, review it with a parent, and have them sign it. Bring this in on Friday. Summer Reading Exam this Friday! Study! Study! Study! Bring in money for the Adventureland trip by Friday. Have you found a planner or agenda book?
DN: What is your brightest childhood memory? How does Shonto Begay’s tone set the mood for his poem in the first stanza of “In My Mother’s Kitchen”? DN: What is your brightest childhood memory? HW: (Bring in Wed.): Google search the painting “The Guitarist” by Pablo Picasso. What feelings do you get from this picture? Who do you think the old man is? Why do you think this? (HINT: It is understood that he is blue. BUT what does “blue” imply?) (Bring in Thursday) Google search: “Black Mesa Navajo” write down any interesting facts about Black Mesa that you can find.
What is your brightest childhood memory? What is diction? Diction Brightest: How does this word help to define the type of childhood memory you are being asked about? Why do you think I chose this word? Let’s go back to the aim. What literary elements or devices are featured in the Aim? Setting Tone Mood How does the tone and mood work in tandem to help to create a setting?
Focus Questions for Stanza 1 How does Begay’s use of alliteration in lines 1 and 2 create a warm feeling for the reader? How does this establish a setting for his poem? How does the contrast in lines 3 and 4 aid to the mood of the poem and further add to the setting?
Aim: How can we analyze the elements of Pablo Picasso’s “Old Guitarist” to develop our own opinions of the piece? DN: Is the following true or false? “There is only one meaning behind a piece of writing or art.” HW: Google search: “Black Mesa Navajo” and answer the following: Where is Black Mesa? What is it? Who lives there? What interesting facts about Black Mesa did you find?
Aim: What is the purpose of Begay’s choice of language in the second stanza of “In My Mother’s Kitchen”? DN: What comes to mind when you hear the word “language”? HW: (Bring in on Tuesday): Create a list of three “things” that are opposites, but seem to go together. Describe why/how even though they are opposites, they work together. HINT: Create a chart to do this.
Denotation v. Connotation Denotation: the literal meaning of the word. This is basically the dictionary meaning. Connotation: the figurative meaning of the word. The way the word is used in everyday speech. This can be based on the feeling the word gives the reader. Let’s focus on the word “halo” to see the difference between literal and figurative.
What are the denotative and connotative meanings of: Word Denotative Connotative Hot Cold Warm Cool
Juxtaposition The purposeful use of contrasting ideas placed next to each other for a desired effect. Think of a more advanced, in-depth version of oxymoron. Imagine reading a happy scene in a book. The next scene is sad. Because the sad scene comes after the happy scene, the sad scene actually feels sadder than it really is and the happy scene feels happier.
In My Mother’s Kitchen Focus Questions What is the purpose of juxtaposing light and dark in lines 8 and 9? How is juxtaposition used again in line 10? What is the purpose of using this contrasting language? What do you believe the mother is thinking about when she “gazes out into the warming day. . .” (lines 11-12)? What does this image make you think about? Why does Begay end the stanza with a question that reads like a statement? What does this tell us about his state of mind?
Aim: How does Begay change the mood of the poem in stanza three? DN: When someone's tone of voice changes, what happens to the atmosphere of the room? HW: Find three things or objects that are opposites, but go together. Why/how do these go together? Put this into a chart. TEST on the poem on Thursday!
Focus Questions What changes do you observe between stanza 2 and stanza 3? How does Begay initiate this change? How can a person have “dreams and warmth tight in my throat”? If not literally, then what is Begay saying about his childhood dreams? How does this change the overall feel of the poem? What does the word “softly” in line 17 do to the feel of the poem?
Aim: How does Begay use juxtaposition and parallel structure to add to the characterization of his mother? DN: Look back at your notes and questions from stanza two. In your own words, what is juxtaposition? Write down this definition. HW: TEST on the poem on Thursday!
Focus Questions Read lines 21-22. What do we learn about the mother because of the structure of the sentence? What makes this sentence parallel? Read lines 23-24. What makes something “bittersweet”? How can you break down the word into two separate words to decipher its meaning? Taking lines 23-24 as a whole, what do you believe has caused Begay to “ache in my heart”?
Aim: What tips and tricks can we learn about test taking by reviewing our tests? HW: Create Your Goals Sheet: You are to come up with 5 realistic goals for this year. 2-3 have to be English class based such as improving in writing, reading, etc. 2-3 can be outside of English. You must cut out the hand. Use marker. Write your name on the palm or wrist so that people can see it. DN: Think about this: What does "honor code" mean?
Aim: How do allusions help to unlock the meaning of the poem? DN: Please take out your homework and the handout from yesterday. HW: Emma Lazarus gives Lady Liberty a voice that she uses to “speak” to the immigrants arriving at Ellis Island. In your opinion, what do you think she would say today? Would it be the same as in the 1900s or different? Justify your response by explaining why you feel this way. This should be a minimum of 6-8 sentences in length!
Allusion A reference to something in the past, the Bible, music, art, etc. Other ways of saying allusion are: Allude Alludes Alluding Example: Moses is said to have parted the Red Sea. If there are students in front of the door and a teacher says, "Part the seas," he is making an allusion to Moses.
Aim: How can nonfiction be presented in an interesting way? DN: When it comes to nonfiction, what comes to mind? Be honest! HW: Read pages 4-6 if we don't finish it in class.
What makes writing interesting? Engaging voice Interesting subject matter Interesting plot Interesting characters Helpful information Exciting
Let's process the info What would life have been like for the rich living at The Row? What information from social studies can you use to help with your understanding of this passage?
Aim: What are some of the major factors that contributed to people immigrating to the United States? DN: Put yourself in the shoes of a person who wants to leave his or her country to go to America. What are three reasons why you want to leave your country? HW: Finish reading the pages we do not complete in class.
Immigration – Old v. New (1880s marks the change) England Scotland Ireland Holland Germany Norway Sweden Denmark *Mostly Protestant Italy Russia Greece Hungary Romania Poland *Mostly Catholic and Jewish
Aim: What was the voyage to America like for the immigrants? HW: Complete handout.
Problems faced by Southern Italians The south lagged behind the north Northerners looked down on the southerners Southern Italy was the "Land That Time Forgot" High rent Couldn't afford materials to work Racism Unfair taxes Mother Nature Crop failure, mosquitos, malaria epidemic, earthquakes, Mount Vesuvius, tsunami Problems faced by Southern Italians
No Place for Jews Jews faced religious persecution. This means that the Jews were discriminated against and not allowed to live freely. The Pale of Settlement = an area where the Jews were forced to live in Russia. By 1900, 4.8 million Jews lived in the Pale. Jews lived in shtetls, Yiddish for towns. They spoke Yiddish, Hebrew, and the language of the country they lived in. Anti-Semitism (hatred of the Jews ) was the official government policy of the Russian government. Pogroms were government sponsored murders of the Jews.
Aim: Why is chapter 2 entitled “Into the Magic Cauldron”? DN: What does the term “The Island of Fears” tell you about how people viewed Ellis Island? HW: Complete your passport.
Aim: How can we set up our own “Acceptable Use Policy” for our in-class iPads? DN: What are some behaviors regarding social media and technology usage that are simply unacceptable? HW DUE MONDAY: Read pages 28 to 48. 1. Create a chart that has The Empire City on one side and The World of the Greenhorn on the right. Fill in this chart with pertinent information as you read. 2. Answer the following in a paragraph that has a good topic sentence, a minimum of 2 details/facts/reasons that are explained, and a clincher. How do the lives of the rich and the lives of the immigrants contrast?
Our Acceptable Use Policy No pictures or videos, unless instructed otherwise. Stay on topic. Don't go to other apps or websites that you aren't instructed to go to. Don't cyber bully. Be cool. No Air Dropping. Don't go on inappropriate websites. Treat the iPad with respect. You are responsible for the iPad you are assigned. Don't move or hide icons. Don't change the backgrounds.
Put your iPad on the rack that corresponds to your number. Don’t put a passcode or Touch ID on the iPad. Don't download other apps. Don't buy stuff on the app store. Don't delete or disable the apps on the iPad. Don't leave the class with an iPad. Don't take the iPad out of the case. Log out of any apps we use. (Google Drive, Docs, OneDrive, Word, PowerPoint, etc.)
to sign up for OneDrive Go to It will ask to sign in: Username: Password: School ID # It will then say that you need to change your password, Type in the current one (ID #) then change the new one with the following format: Nhp12345 (12345 will be the first 5 digits of their school ID #, Also make sure the “N” is capitalized) the same email will work for Google, the password will be their ID # and will NOT have to be changed.
Aim: How can we use to help us with our writing? DN: Please take out your write up for pages 28-48. HW: Be sure to bring Flesh and Blood tomorrow. Create a Google account. Use Google Docs to type up the paragraph you wrote for pages 28-48. Then, upload the file to