Introduction to CS 491 - 492 Senior Design Project I / II Prof. Dr. H. Altay Güvenir
Course Description Capstone design project Technical and innovative Group project Emphasizing engineering design principles on a specific topic in any field of computer science and engineering. Two semesters Feb. 13, 2017 Introduction to CS 491 - 492
Course Work CS 491: Project specifications, Analysis Report High level design Report CS 492: Low level design Report and the implementation of the project Final Report Oral presentation, including a demo. Feb. 13, 2017 Introduction to CS 491 - 492
The process Either the problem or the solution must be novel Before submitting the Project Specifications: Form a team of 3, 4 or 5 students Come up with an innovative project idea (The hardest part) Identify and formulate a (novel) problem (novel) Solution ideas Choose a supervisor Supervisor: Assesses the project if It is a Capstone design project Time and number of members are suitable It is innovative. Then, assigns you to one of the Innovation Experts Either the problem or the solution must be novel Feb. 13, 2017 Introduction to CS 491 - 492
Meeting with Innovation Experts Prepare a presentation describing your project It should last about a 20-30 minutes Make an appointment Go to the Innovation Expert Present your project Ask for suggestions Have him/her fill in the Assessment of Innovativeness form Feb. 13, 2017 Introduction to CS 491 - 492
Evaluation of Innovativeness Innovation Expert will fill in the following form: Assessment of Innovativeness form Questions: What is the nature of the innovation in the project? Are there similar products, systems, services, or technologies in the market? If there are, what are the differences in relevant aspects, such as cost, efficiency, usability? Who are the potential users? Grade: out of 20. It is the 20% of your CS 491 grade Return the form to your project supervisor Feb. 13, 2017 Introduction to CS 491 - 492
Reports CS 491: CS 492: Project Specifications, Monday, Feb. 27, 2017 Analysis Report, Monday, Mar. 27, 2017 High-Level Design Report, Monday, May 15, 2016, CSFair CS 492: Low-Level Design Report, Monday, Oct. 2, 2017 Final Report, Thursday, Dec. 11, 2017 Presentations & Demonstrations: Schedule, Dec. 18 - 21, 2017 Feb. 13, 2017 Introduction to CS 491 - 492
Web Page Each team is required to prepare a web page for their Project It should contain: Description of the Project Team members, Supervisor, Jury members, Innovation expert All Reports Screen shots / demo Email the address of the web page to by the end of the third week of the semester Feb. 13, 2017 Introduction to CS 491 - 492
Seminars We will meet for 1 or 2 hours / week for seminars This is the first of these seminars Attendance to the seminars is required, there will be a quiz Seminars are only in CS 491 Feb. 13, 2017 Introduction to CS 491 - 492
Questions / Comments ? Feb. 13, 2017 Introduction to CS 491 - 492