For each scenario- describe to a partner what you would do. CPR Practice For each scenario- describe to a partner what you would do.
Scenario #1 You volunteer in an office environment that presents minimal workplace hazards. One day you walk into an office to find another volunteer sitting in a chair, slumped over the desk. She is unconscious and you can't feel a pulse. You’ve known this person for awhile and have no knowledge of any medical conditions. You call for help and must administer CPR to a friend who, for unknown reasons, is unconscious and not breathing.
Scenario #2 Everyday, you enjoy your lunch hour in the cafeteria. Things are going great until a student abruptly stands up grasping his throat. He is making gurgling noises and collapses on the floor. You recognize that this is likely a choking hazard and prepare to administer the Heimlich maneuver. Before you can do that, the victim collapses and stops breathing. You must administer CPR to this apparent choking victim.
Scenario #3 You notice one of the construction workers tumble off the roof of the North Building. She falls to the ground unconscious and bleeding. When you arrive on the scene, the victim is not breathing and bloody. You must follow steps to administer CPR to a victim who is injured, unconscious and not breathing.
Scenario #4 You are in a meeting when a College Rep. sitting across the conference room table puts his hands to his chest and mumbles that he thinks he’s having a heart attack. He stands up, takes a step and falls to the floor. The victim tells you he has heart problems before he lapses into unconsciousness. Before the paramedics arrive, you must administer CPR to an apparent heart attack victim who is no longer breathing.
Scenario #5 You work in the research laboratory and suddenly smell a faint, chemical odor. Your ventilation hood is working just fine, so you continue with your work. Moments later, another student, not working under a hood, coughs uncontrollably. She walks towards the door and collapses. Before paramedics arrive, you must get the victim to a clean atmosphere before attempting to rescue and to revive.