Bell Ringer Pick up your journal worksheet off the front table. Begin working quietly on your own.
Fire Facts It only takes seconds for a small flame to engulf a room in flames and minutes for an entire house. Fire is very dark due to Smoke and toxic gases kill more people than flames. 30 5 heavy smoke
Smoke Detectors They may be your BEST FRIEND Every level of your house, if not every room, should have at least 1 working fire alarm installed. Alarms should be tested monthly! National Smoke Alarm Safety Day 6/1, was created as a reminder to change batteries once each year.
First Aid Kit I It is a good idea to have a First Aid Kit available at home and in each family vehicle. First Aid Kit Items Scissors Tape Ace Bandage Cold Pack Gloves Band-Aids Tweezers Sting/Bite Treatment Gauze Rubbing Alcohol Peroxide Hand Sanitizer CPR Shield Can you think of any others?
What would you do? Your 5 year old brother begins choking on a piece of candy. He begins to gasp for air and pretty soon isn’t making any noise at all. It is obvious he is not breathing, yet he is still conscious. Your mom is across the street and no one else is home. What should you do?
Technique used to dislodge a foreign object obstructing one’s airway. HEIMLICH MANEUVER Technique used to dislodge a foreign object obstructing one’s airway.
Step #1 Ask the choking person to stand . Place yourself slightly behind the standing victim.
Step #2 Place your arms around the victim’s waist.
Step #3 Make a fist with one hand. Place your thumb against the victim, just above the belly button.
Grab your fist with your other hand. Step #4 Grab your fist with your other hand.
Step #5 Deliver 5 upward thrusts into the stomach.
Step #6 Repeat until food is dislodged from airway.
Tips Do not use the Heimlich Maneuver for children under the age of 1. Do not use on victim if he/she is coughing strongly or able talk. Don’t be afraid to use force to dislodge food. Keep a firm grip on victim. At any point, he/she may lose consciousness and fall. Call 911
What would you do? You hear a large thud from upstairs and go to investigate. You find your grandfather lying on the floor unconscious. What do you do?
CPR Check victim for response CALL 911 Check breathing. Not breathing? Give 2 rescue breaths! Check pulse. No pulse? Go right into CPR. 5. CPR (Use acronym CAB) “C” is for Compressions 100 compressions per minute (sing Stay’n Alive to self) 2” deep for adult/children & 1 ½ “ infants “A” is for Airway Open airway by head tilt/chin lift “B” is for Breathing Pinch nose of victim and give 2 breaths REPEAT
Table of Contents Table of Contents Hazard Hunter/Safety Awareness Quiz (video) Safety & Accident Prevention Notes Bike Safety Quiz/Hand Signals Journal/First Aid Notes First Aid for Choking/Coping with Emergencies Fire Facts and Smoke Detectors