Implementing Coordinated Entry in New Hampshire Bureau of Homeless and Housing Services Office of Human Services NH Department of Health and Human Services
Balance of State CoC
The Vision Build on current infrastructure utilizing 211 1 universal assessment tool used statewide Regional Coordinated Entry (CE) implementation based on what works best for that region or CoC Utilization of HMIS with an open system among CE programs
Goal Each region in NH will have an operational CE system Each regional system will develop a process for inter-regional referrals Each region will develop a communication system that facilitates prioritization of the most vulnerable
Data Collection Each region will enter CE data into HMIS Each region will track diverted clients Each region will develop a process for timely data entry
Statewide Efforts Stakeholder group in place for approximately 3 years Reviewed HUD documents and data from other states to understand best practices 2 Regional Pilots Assessment tool developed by merging best parts of existing tools
Statewide Efforts July 1, 2015 providers statewide started piloting the assessment tool August 1, 2015 providers started entering CE data into HMIS October 21, 2015 a workshop was held for all statewide CE Stakeholders, facilitated by a consultant
Areas and Types of Implementation 9 distinct regions, 2 are CoCs and 7 are within the BoS Single point of entry, 1 agency Single point of entry, multiple agencies providing staffing No Wrong Door
Next Steps Continue to adapt the assessment tool to meet the needs of the homeless population Develop a tool to assess vulnerability Develop a process for prioritization by vulnerability, serving the most vulnerable first Contractually require participation in CE
Contact BHHS Website: BHHS Administrator: Maureen Ryan BHHS Administrator: Maureen Ryan Email: Main Phone Number: 271 -9197 Program Administrator: Melissa Hatfield Email: