of cross-border and international cooperation of Pskov Region


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Presentation transcript:

of cross-border and international cooperation of Pskov Region 16.11.2011 State Committee of the Pskov region for economic development, industry and trade «Green» projects of cross-border and international cooperation of Pskov Region Maria Bulatova, Consultant of the external relations department, State Committee of the Pskov region for economic development, industry and trade 14 June 2012, Petrozavodsk

16.11.2011 State Committee of the Pskov region for economic development, industry and trade Cross border region Pskov Region is an exclusive subject of the Russian Federation which borders on three states PSKOV LENGTH OF BOUNDARIES: with Belarus . . . . . . . 305 km with Estonia . . . . . . 254,4 km with Latvia . . . . . . . 274,6 km DISTANCE FROM PSKOV: to Helsinki . . . . . . . . . . 700 km to Warsaw . . . . . . . . . . 850 km to Stockholm . . . . . . . . 860 km to Berlin . . . . . . . . . . . 1200 km to Moscow . . . . . . . . . . 689 km to Riga . . . . . . . . 260 km to Tallinn . . . . . . 350 km to Vilnius . . . . . . . 400 km to Minsk . . . . . . . . 450 km

Results of Cooperation in the Baltic Sea Region State Committee of the Pskov region for economic development, industry and trade Results of Cooperation in the Baltic Sea Region Stage 2006-2009: - INTERREG III B (6 projects) 2 “greens”: East Wind (wind energy development) Greenhouse (encouraging SME) - INTERREG III A (17 projects) 3 “greens”: WATERS (WWTPs improvement) PeipsiMAN (water management) Appropriate waste management in Pskov region (ecology solutions) Eco-Education (awareness rising)

Nordic Council of Ministers State Committee of the Pskov region for economic development, industry and trade Nordic Council of Ministers Achieved results The Nordic-Russian Exchange Programme for Local Civil Servants Pskov Region participants: The City of Pskov Municipality, Krasnogorodsky District, Pytalovo District Municipality

Strategy for socio-economic development till 2020 16.11.2011 State Committee of the Pskov region for economic development, industry and trade Strategy for socio-economic development till 2020 Pskov region is the «starting point» for penetration of foreign business into Russian market: unique border location near both capitals: Moscow and Saint-Petersburg; qualified and comparatively cheap labor force; reserves of land and energy resources; business-oriented administration

Strategy for socio-economic development till 2020 16.11.2011 State Committee of the Pskov region for economic development, industry and trade Strategy for socio-economic development till 2020 Priorities of the region: - tourism development - transport and logistics - agriculture - ENERGY EFFICIENCY - ECOLOGY SOLUTIONS - SME support - road networking - health care - education - sport - culture and heritage - youth policy - social sphere

Priorities for cooperation State Committee of the Pskov region for economic development, industry and trade Priorities for cooperation Programmes and instruments for cooperation: - Baltic Sea Region Programme - Northern dimension (NDEP: ЕBRD, NEFCO) - CBSS - CBC ENPI «Estonia-Latvia- Russia» Programme - Nordic Council of Ministers

Baltic Sea region Programme State Committee of the Pskov region for economic development, industry and trade Baltic Sea region Programme project “Baltic Climate” “Baltic Challenges and Chances for local and regional development generated by Climate Change”/ “Угрозы и возможности муниципального и регионального развития стран Балтийского моря, вызванные изменением климата” Partners from Pskov region: - Administration of Pskov region - Administration of Bezhanitsy area - Pskov stat university Partners (23) Project duration: 2009 – 2012

Northern dimension (ЕBRD, NEFCO) State Committee of the Pskov region for economic development, industry and trade Northern dimension (ЕBRD, NEFCO) «Pure water» project Partners: Pskov municipality Pskov vodokanal Budget: 1,000 mln. RUB Activities: - building of an underground water intake; - reconstruction of sewage system; - reconstruction of networks of the water drain of Pskov and modernization of the treatment facilities of the water drain.

CBSS (Council of the Baltic Sea States) State Committee of the Pskov region for economic development, industry and trade CBSS (Council of the Baltic Sea States) … from 2010 two “greens” under discussion: - Reduction of nutrient load on water bodies and increase of the surface water quality in Lake Peipsi basin (Снижение биогенной нагрузки на водные объекты и улучшения качества природных вод, расположенных в бассейне Псковско- Чудского озера) - Development of small energetics in the Pskov region (Развитие малой энергетики в Псковской области)

ENPI CBC “Estonia – Latvia - Russia” 16.11.2011 State Committee of the Pskov region for economic development, industry and trade ENPI CBC “Estonia – Latvia - Russia” Basic criteria for the prioritized regional project: - to be within the Regional Strategy for socio-economic development of the Pskov region till 2020 and within the priorities of the regional development programmes; - to include infrastructural part; - to establish logical partnership; - to demonstrate prolonged effect

ENPI CBC “Estonia – Latvia - Russia” 16.11.2011 State Committee of the Pskov region for economic development, industry and trade 12 projects: - transport – 1 - tourism and heritage – 3 - ecology – 3 - social sphere – 5 including 9 projects with infrastructure component: - ecology – 2 - social sphere – 3 ENPI CBC “Estonia – Latvia - Russia” 1st call results geography Gdov PSKOV Pechory Palkino 9 municipalities will receive benefits and will host projects all EE and LV border related territory of the region involved in cooperation Ostrov Pytalovo Krasnogorodsk Sebezh

«Green» running projects: State Committee of the Pskov region for economic development, industry and trade ENPI CBC “Estonia – Latvia - Russia” «Green» running projects: Tourism - “Tour de Latgale & Pskov” Environment - “Water Management Project of Peipsi, Pihkva, Lämmijärve, Saadjärve and Veskijärve Lakes” - “Economically and Environmentally Sustainable Lake Peipsi area” (Large Scale Project) Urban development - “Tartu, Rezekne, Pskov: Green Management for Urban Development & Planning in EE-LV-RU Border Capitals” Education - “Promoting nature education as efficient mean of awareness raising”

ENPI CBC “Estonia – Latvia - Russia” State Committee of the Pskov region for economic development, industry and trade ENPI CBC “Estonia – Latvia - Russia” LSP 3 «Common Peipsi» RU Partners: 5 Peipsi lake related municipalities, State Committee for nature resources and environment protection of the Pskov region Budget RU side: 4.5 M€ Activities RU: WWTPs and WWTFs construction and renovation in 5 Peipsi lake related municipalities; monitoring of the wwtps and wwtfs of the municipalities of the Pskov region, update of the regional programme “Pure water 2012-2014”

Nordic Council of Ministers State Committee of the Pskov region for economic development, industry and trade Nordic Council of Ministers Expectations from “Green Growth Arena” 1 subproject “Green planning” Number of regional targeted programmes and international projects in field of energy efficiency, economic development, eco management as a platform for good practice exchange 2 subproject “Green tourism” CBC initiatives and regional tourism priorities for common routes within “Green Arena” 3 subproject “Green business hubs” State regional SME support instruments and techno park “Moglino” as a pilot initiatives

Welcome to Pskov in September 2012! State Committee of the Pskov region for economic development, industry and trade Welcome to Pskov in September 2012! 16

Thank you for your attention! State Committee of the Pskov region for economic development, industry and trade Thank you for your attention! State Committee of the Pskov region for economic development, industry and trade http://economics.pskov.ru/ 17