ATLAS M&O General Comments


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Presentation transcript:

ATLAS M&O 2008-2012 General Comments RRB M&O SG May 05, 2009 Markus Nordberg ATLAS Resources Coordination

Final 2008 M&O-A Payments (kCHF) Category A (12.8 MCHF) Cost drivers Technical services (5.2 MCHF) Magnet operation (3.0 MCHF) Core computing I&S (1.8 MCHF) On-line comp. (2.1 MCHF) Energy NMS (0.7 MCHF) Note: Open commitments 0.5 MCHF due to extended shutdown

Final 2008 M&O-B Payments (kCHF) Category B (6.8 MCHF) Cost drivers Technical services, manpower (1.9 MCHF) Electronics replacements, rental (2.0 MCHF) Operation of areas, spares, stores (2.7 MCHF) 87 FTE core computing effort as in-kind Note: Updated income Table attached

2010 M&O-A Budget Estimates (kCHF) Category A (16.0 MCHF) Cost drivers Technical services (7.3 MCHF) Magnet operation (2.4 MCHF) Core computing I&S (1.9 MCHF) On-line comp. (3.4 MCHF) Energy NMS (0.9 MCHF) Note: Estimates same as presented in September 2008

Category-A Basic assumption: ATLAS in full running mode 1.4 – 30.11 each year Note: Cryogenics, gases, electronics, power supplies active at all times irrespective whether there are colliding beams or not Mechanics replaced at <2%>, electronics <5%>; guidelines as agreed with SG Key activity drivers (2010) Basic infrastructure 7.3 MCHF Technical crews to operate the site/access detector (operation, gases, safety) General services (provided by CERN) TDAQ operation 3.4 MCHF Processor/network replacement model agreed with SG (so-called “V Luth-model”) Assumes replacements following 3 full years of operation, plus 5% in current year Present investment model: 1600 processors by EoY 2008, remaining 1400 by EoY 2010 Note: Fluctuating model; 3.9 MCHF in 2011 and 2.5 MCHF in 2012 Sys Admin to operate the TDAQ: 10 FTE @ 120 kCHF Magnets, LAr Cryogenics operation 2.4 MCHF Consumables and operation (using external firms) Assumes 400 kCHF/year of Liquid Nitrogen to compensate for lack of refrigerator cooling power Off-line computing (technical infrastructure, services) 1.9 MCHF Manpower at <88 kCHF>

Category-A (cont’d) Specific topics to be addressed for 2010+ Revision of the detector cooling plant Centralized support for Insertable b-layer (IBL) project Support for coordinators, core computing Sniffer maintenance costs IT support (collaborative tools: EVO, on/off-line DB person) TDAQ HLT replacement needs > 2011+

2010 M&O-B Budget Estimates (kCHF) Category B (6.7 MCHF) Cost drivers Technical services, manpower (2.1 MCHF) Electronics replacements, rental (2.2 MCHF) Operation of areas, spares, stores (2.1 MCHF) 98 FTE core computing effort as in-kind Note: Estimates same as presented in September 2008

Category-B Basic assumption: Same replacement rates as in Cat-A; except custom-specific HV/LV PS in LAr and Muons <10%>. Guidelines agreed with SG. Detectors running throughout the year Key cost drivers in 2010 Electronics, PSs (including also Pixel b-layer replacement) ~ 2.1 MCHF Manpower ~ 2.2 MCHF Detector-specific manpower <90 kCHF/FTE> External manpower <120 kCHF/FTE> Specific topics to be addressed 2010+ IBL project Production of LAr LVPS Production of Tiles PM spares

Evolution of M&O 2002 – 2010, MCHF