Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jews The Dawn of Christianity Between the Testaments and the Early Church Age Lesson 6 The Herodians, the Romans, and the Prophets Steve Plaster
Lesson Structure Clash of Cultures: Judaism and Hellenism People of the Book The Sacred Writings Apocryphal Literature, Messiahs, and Resurrection The Essenes and the Maccabees The Herodians, the Romans, and the Prophets Trials and Tribulations of Jesus Resurrection and the Birth of the Church Paul’s Missionary Journeys Paul’s Letters and Trials Jewish Revolt Groups and the Temple Destruction How We Got the Bible
The rise of the Herodians, the birth of Jesus, and the dawn of an empire (63-4BC).
Roman and Herodian rulers:
Herod was supported by Rome including Mark Antony and Octavius to be king of Judea (37-4BC). Herod built the Antonia tower, Masada, Caesarea port, and the Temple. Jesus was born in 4BC by virginal conception. The geneologies of Jesus are for theological purposes, not historical purposes as Matthew traces a Jewish line and family of David while Luke traces a human Gentile line to Adam. The Roman empire was established by Julius Caesar in 48BC. Antony lost to Octavian at the battle of Actium in 31BC, changing his name to Augustus.
He reigned until 14AD. Peace and control was maintained over the provinces of the empire by a paid army of 100,000 supported by taxes based on a census. Control was also administered in a given province by a client king, a prefect (military governor), or a procurator (civilian governor).
The Herodians and their prophetic adversaries: John and Jesus (4BC-27AD) Palestine after 4BC was ruled geographically by three Herodians: Archelaus, Antipas, and Phillip. The census took place in 6-7AD under Quirinias. Sects in Palestine included: Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes, and Zealots. Between 6-70AD, the environment was hostile based upon the desires for freedom and Jewish theocracy and purity. The Zealots were the sect who died on Masada.
Pontius Pilate became prefect in 26AD Pontius Pilate became prefect in 26AD. There were a total of 6,000 Essenes, some living at Qumran. “Q” Source – Scripture common to Matthew and Luke but omitted by Mark suggests a common source.
The Dawn of Christianity Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jews The Dawn of Christianity Between the Testaments and the Early Church Age Lesson 6 The Herodians, the Romans, and the Prophets Steve Plaster