©Bucks Healthcare & NHS Specialist Pharmacy Service 2015 Apixaban 2.5mg Tablets Atrial Fibrillation Consultations A Visual Support Tool ©Bucks Healthcare & NHS Specialist Pharmacy Service 2015
Your new tablet is Apixaban 2.5mg It is also called Eliquis ©Bucks Healthcare & NHS Specialist Pharmacy Service 2015
Apixaban stops strokes http://www.wales.nhs.uk/healthtopics/conditions/stroke?sa=X&ved=0CBYQ9QEwAGoVChMIlZrvzuHzxgIVRWkUCh2XOAEH ©Bucks Healthcare & NHS Specialist Pharmacy Service 2015
Apixaban stops strokes Labeled for reuse: https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Accidente_cerebrovascular ©Bucks Healthcare & NHS Specialist Pharmacy Service 2015
©Bucks Healthcare & NHS Specialist Pharmacy Service 2015 Most people take Apixaban for life New picture to replace being drawn by Janice’s sister, Olivia. ©Bucks Healthcare & NHS Specialist Pharmacy Service 2015
©Bucks Healthcare & NHS Specialist Pharmacy Service 2015 Your GP will do a blood test a few times a year This is less often than with warfarin Most people do not need dose changes Labeled for reuse: https://www.flickr.com/photos/aldenchadwick/16009841577 ©Bucks Healthcare & NHS Specialist Pharmacy Service 2015
©Bucks Healthcare & NHS Specialist Pharmacy Service 2015 Take Apixaban twice a day New picture to replace being drawn by Janice’s sister, Olivia. ©Bucks Healthcare & NHS Specialist Pharmacy Service 2015
Taking Apixaban means it takes longer to stop bleeding Labeled for reuse: https://www.flickr.com/photos/aldenchadwick/16009841577 ©Bucks Healthcare & NHS Specialist Pharmacy Service 2015
©Bucks Healthcare & NHS Specialist Pharmacy Service 2015 If you hit your head badly Get help now! Labeled for reuse: http://www.wikihow.com/Identify-Symptoms-of-a-Head-Injury ©Bucks Healthcare & NHS Specialist Pharmacy Service 2015
If you hit any part of your body badly Get help now! New picture to replace being drawn by Janice’s sister, Olivia.
If you are bleeding a lot Get help now! Labeled for reuse: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Blood.jpg Labeled for reuse: https://pixabay.com/en/ambulance-medic-first-aid-emergency-155854/ ©Bucks Healthcare & NHS Specialist Pharmacy Service 2015
Always keep your card with you Labeled for reuse: http://www.torange.us/Objects/money/Wallet-with-banknotes-1372.html ©Bucks Healthcare & NHS Specialist Pharmacy Service 2015
©Bucks Healthcare & NHS Specialist Pharmacy Service 2015 Foods All foods are okay Labeled for reuse: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Good_Food_Display_-_NCI_Visuals_Online.jpg ©Bucks Healthcare & NHS Specialist Pharmacy Service 2015
©Bucks Healthcare & NHS Specialist Pharmacy Service 2015 Do not drink lots of alcohol or Some is okay. Not lots. Labeled for reuse: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Rum,_Manhattan,_Tequila_Old_Fashioned.jpg Labeled for reuse: https://pixabay.com/en/wine-glasses-red-wine-wine-red-308871/ ©Bucks Healthcare & NHS Specialist Pharmacy Service 2015
Ask your doctor about new medicines Labeled for reuse: https://www.flickr.com/photos/emagineart/4742089272 ©Bucks Healthcare & NHS Specialist Pharmacy Service 2015
Tell people you are on Apixaban New picture to replace being drawn by Janice’s sister, Olivia. ©Bucks Healthcare & NHS Specialist Pharmacy Service 2015
Summary for healthcare professionals INR testing not necessary and does not reflect efficacy Important patient takes Apixaban everyday It does not matter when it is taken in relation to food No significant food or alcohol interactions If very ill check U&Es to ensure there is no decline in renal function requiring a review of Apixaban ©Bucks Healthcare & NHS Specialist Pharmacy Service 2015
©Bucks Healthcare & NHS Specialist Pharmacy Service 2015 ? Any questions ©Bucks Healthcare & NHS Specialist Pharmacy Service 2015
Author information Satinder Bhandal , Consultant pharmacist Anticoagulation, Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust Katrina Clarkson, Principal Speech and Language Therapist, Regional Hyperacute Rehabilitation Unit, Northwick Park Hospital Nina Barnett Consultant Pharmacist, Older People, Medicines Use and Safety Division, NHS Specialist Pharmacy Service and London North West Healthcare NHS Trust With thanks to Frances Akor, Consultant Pharmacist Anticoagulation at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, Estelle Bloom at Making It Clear and the patients of Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust. ©Bucks Healthcare and Medicines Use and Safety Division, NHS Specialist Pharmacy Service 2015