Introduction the IT and DM Topic


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Presentation transcript:

Introduction the IT and DM Topic CRISP Introduction the IT and DM Topic

Development and implementation of common solutions Accelerators Instruments & Experiments Development and implementation of common solutions Harmonisation, cost-efficiency and interoperability Detectors & Data Acquisition IT & Data Management

User Identity Metadata and Catalogues High-speed Data Recording Distributed Data Infrastructure

WP16 Common User Identity System “Develop and deploy a pan-European system for unique identification (AAI)” ID Description Due MS1 AAI Proposed Architecture Document PM6 D16.1 AAI Architecture Document PM9 D16.2 AAI Prototype Solution PM23 MS22 AAI Initial Deployment PM30 Participants ESRF(8.5), ESS(8), GSI(22), ILL(7.5), XFEL(9), PSI(30) Leader: PSI (Heinz Weyer)

WP17 Metadata Management and Data Continuum “Choose and implement meta data management and metadata mining services” “Establish an environment permitting a data continuum from raw data to publications” ID Description Due MS6 Proposed Metadata Catalogue Architecture PM12 MS7 Proposed Data Continuum Architecture Document PM1 D17.1 Metadata Catalogue Implementation and Deployment Report PM36 D17.2 Data Continuum Implementation and Deployment Report Participants ESRF(48), DESY(6), CERN(12), ILL(45) Leader: ILL (Jean-François Perrin )

WP18 High-speed Data Recording “Provide solutions fro high-speed recording of data to permanent storage and archive” “Provide solutions for optimised and secure access to data using standard protocols.” ID Description Due MS6 Proposed Metadata Catalogue Architecture PM12 MS7 Proposed Data Continuum Architecture Document PM1 D17.1 Metadata Catalogue Implementation and Deployment Report PM36 D17.2 Data Continuum Implementation and Deployment Report Participants ESRF(12), DESY(19), ESS(8), GANIL(1), ILL(2), XFEL(36) Leader: XFEL (Krzysztof Wrona)

WP19 Distributed Data Infrastructure “Analyse the existing data infrastructure from a network and technology perspective.” “Plan and experiment their evolution to support the expanding data management needs.” ID Description Due MS2 Physics Use Cases and Requirements for Data Infrastructures PM9 D19.1 Distributed Data Infrastructure Development Evolution Roadmap PM18 D19.3 – D19.8 Topic Meeting: IT and Data Management PM6- PM36 Participants DESY(19), CERN(34), GSI(27), MTA SZTAKI(12), U. OXF(36) Leader: CERN (Laurence Field)

How to achieve the goals? Next four presentations? WP Plans Objectives and Tasks Who is doing what? Names and tasks Monitoring and Reporting WP and Topic level Deliverable/Milestone review process Project-wide issue?

Topic Coordination What we expect? What are the links between WPs? Phone meetings Frequency? Face to Face meetings Append to existing conferences/workshops? Monitoring and Reporting Procedure Tooling What are the links between WPs? Bi-lateral interaction or Topic interaction? IT and DM Topic Meetings When and where?

Other Considerations Tooling Dissemination What do you require? email lists, wikis, trackers etc. Dissemination Federated Identity Systems workshop @STFC 2-3 November 2011 Relationships with other projects