GCI Requirements and GEOSS Portal Functionalities 1° Data Providers Workshop Side event St Petersburg, 7th November 2016
Towards implementing GEOSS
Yearly Queries of the GCI over the past 3 years! Nov-2016 4.293.124 Source: http://statistics.geodab.eu/gi-stat/stats/
GEOSS Portal Functionalities GCI Requirements & GEOSS Portal Functionalities http://earthobservations.org/geoss.php Functionalities described in the GCI User requirements document Reference to the document Status Action Priority Multicriteria search 4.2.1 Implemented Need improvement High Incremental search/filter 4.2.2 New To be implemented Informative and efficient search output 4.2.3 Storing previous searches 4.2.4 Medium RSS Feeds 4.2.5 Data accessibility: format of accessible data 4.3 Single Sign on: 4.4 Data visualization extent bigger 4.5 Data visualization - footprint & summary metadata Data visualization tools: zoom, pan, info, legend Mash Ups 4.6.1 Advanced web applications 4.6.2 *Data Quality 4.7 On Going Monitoring Tools (verify and validate the functional links pointing to the data resources and produce a report of all active and functional/accessible datasets as well as broken links and resources brokered within the Infrastructure.) 4.8 User data request interface 4.9.1 GCI user experience 4.9.2 GCI Statistics requirements for data providers 4.10.2 Your inputs
Main Findings - Often found: Report on the rapid quality assessment of Discoverability/Accessibility/Utilization of Resources The rapid quality assessment has been conducted with the aim to improve discoverability of resources and their accessibility and thus utilization in applications, and engaging with the data providers in ameliorating the metadata provided. Main Findings - Often found: Poor Contacts information Keywords to describe the available reources can be improved to enhance discoverability Data not always immediately accessible - Temporal information often missing (critical for some data sets like earthquakes, disasters) Titles like: «eth_wtr_shp_1990», will not make the resource discoverable… Better info to be provided on the format of the shared resource
GEOSS Portal Demo