Full-Time Employees: HOLIDAYS NOT WORKED: Exempt: You are required to charge a holiday accrual on that holiday observed. Non-Exempt: You are required to charge a holiday accrual on that holiday observed. Full-Time Employees: HOLIDAYS WORKED: Exempt: No Action required Non-Exempt: you are required to record your in and out times. Full-Time Employee: Holidays Worked [portion of a day] Exempt: You are required to charge a holiday accrual for time holiday observed in ¼ day increments. Non-Exempt: record in and out times for hours worked then charge a holiday accrual for remaining holiday observed in ¼ hour increments. HOLIDAYS Holiday accruals are based on each individuals schedule on-file in the payroll office.
PART-TIME EMPLOYEES Holidays Worked: Exempt: No Action required* Non-Exempt: record in and out times for hours worked* Holidays Not Worked: [scheduled day] Exempt: System will add holiday accrual based on schedule on-file. You are required to charge a holiday accrual on that holiday observed. Non-Exempt: You are required to charge a holiday accrual on that holiday observed. Holiday Not worked [pass day/unscheduled day] Exempt: No action required Non-Exempt: no action required. 2/1/17 : ejb Holiday’s Cont. Part-Time Employees *A part-time employee who takes leave on a holiday will receive pay for the hours he or she is scheduled to work. A part-time employee's work schedule should not be arbitrarily changed prior to a Research Foundation holiday to deprive the employee of holiday pay or to provide additional pay inconsistent with the work schedule followed prior to the holiday.