A Walk Through Hades
The traveler had to discover the cavern or underground river and follow the winding path down into the earth. The center of the earth was believed to contain Hades.
The Entrance
Follow the winding path . . .
until you reach
River # 1 Acheron – the river of woe, sadness or affliction Charon – ferry operator for the underworld Obolus – must be paid for passage
The Obolus When the Greeks buried their dead, they placed a coin into the dead person’s mouth. This coin was taken by Charon to pay for passage across the river Acheron.
The Greek Soul Pale reflection or shade of its former self Very few retained the same personality on earth and in the underworld
Section One Erebus – the entrance way or vestibule ALL the dead went to Hades and passed through Erebus regardless of being good or bad; therefore, it is the best place for judgment to be done.
The Judges Aeacus (a son of Zeus) judged the Europeans Rhadamanthus (son of Zeus and Europa) judged the Asiatics Minos (also a son of Zeus and Europa) judged the difficult cases.
Judgement Tartarus – a place of punishment Elysium Fields – a place of eternal happiness
River 2 Cocytus – river of lamentation or wailing
Residents of Hades Fates – Three women; one spins the thread of life, one measures the thread of life, one cuts the thread of life.
Residents Cont. Furies – had serpents in their hair and blood dripping from their eyes. They pursued sinners on earth.
Residents Cont. Nemesis – the spirit of just punishment and the goddess of retribution. She handed out not only punishments but just rewards. Hecate – Queen of the Dead and goddess of magic charms and enchantments; witchcraft and sorcery
River Three Styx – had nine loops and surrounded the underworld. Styx was the river of irrevocable oaths. If a god made a promise using the river Styx, then the oath/promise couldn’t be taken back. This is important to the myth of Phaethon.
Tartarus Cerberus – three headed watchdog of the gates. He would let souls in but not out. He could be bribed with music (remember Orpheus)
Phlegethon is the river of fire that surrounds Tartarus. There is a triple wall inside the river.
Tartarus surrounded by Phlegethon
Residents of Tartarus Tantalus – tested the gods by trying to feed them his son.
Punishment Tantalus is forced to stand in water. He is thirsty, but when he reaches toward the water, it recedes away from him. He is also constantly hungry, but when he reaches for the grapes that are overhead, they pull away. He is constantly tantalized by things he wants but cannot have.
Sisyphus Sisyphus – escaped from Hades after death by trickery.
Punishment He is forced to roll a boulder up an incline. Once he gets the rock to the top, it immediately rolls back down again. He performs this endless task for eternity.
Ixion Ixion – showed disrespect to the gods by attempting to win the love of Hera.
Punishment Ixion is strapped to a burning wheel of fire that rolls around the perimeter of Tartarus. Ixion experiences the pain of burning alive for eternity.
Danaids Danaids – fifty sisters who married and then 49 of them murdered their husbands on their wedding night.
Punishment The Danaids are forced to try to fill a sieve- like pot with water. All the water they carry and pour into the pot pours out the holes in the bottom.
The Abode of Sleep Thanatos/Mors – death Hypnos/Somus – sleep (brother of death) Morpheus – god of dreams (son of sleep)
River Four Lethe – the river of forgetfulness. One cup of water and the soul forgot its past Once past this river the soul moved into Elysium Fields where soft breezes always blew, and there were no hideous creatures.
This ends our journey!