Simplifying Exponential Multiplication Expressions. In this lesson, you will be able to simplify expressions involving the multiplication of two or more exponential expressions.
Exponents Review: Exponent is a repeated multiplication.
(23)(24) (2*2*2)(2*2*2*2) (8)(16) 128 Exponents Often in math, you will find expressions involved in multiplying two exponential expressions.
Rules of Exponent (23)(24) = 27 When the BASE is the same, you can add the exponents.
Let’s try (simplify by writing as a single exponential expression) (33)(32) = (42)(47) = (83)(8) = (53)(27)(55) = (x3)(x)(x5) = (x3)(x20)(y) = (Fils-Aime)(Fils-Aime2) =
Rules of Exponents Multiplying expressions with the same base allows us to add the exponent. What do you think happen when we divide exponents with the same base?