Neutrons: from fundamental physics to probing condensed matter Tsukuba, March 25, 2010 Neutrons: from fundamental physics to probing condensed matter F. Mezei Ordinary Member, Hungarian Academy of Sciences Member of Academia Europaea European Spallation Source Preparatory Phase Project (EU, FP7) 2010.03.25 ASEPS
The founding of neutron research 26.08.02 The founding of neutron research 1932 J. Chadwick discovers the neutron particle physics, nuclear physics 1938 O. Hahn and F. Strassmann discovers nuclear fission nuclear industry, neutron sources for research 1950 C. Shull et al. observe antiferromagnetism by neutron diffraction condensed matter research neutron magnetic moment magnetism Two curves 3 pages 2 Nobel prizes 2010.03.25 ASEPS Halle, 9.9.2002, F. Mezei
The founding of neutron research 26.08.02 The founding of neutron research 1932 J. Chadwick discovers the neutron particle physics, nuclear physics 1938 O. Hahn and F. Strassmann discovers nuclear fission nuclear industry, neutron sources for research 1950 C. Shull et al. observe antiferromagnetism by neutron diffraction condensed matter research neutron magnetic moment magnetism 2010: Multiferroics, e.g. LuFe2O4 2010.03.25 ASEPS Halle, 9.9.2002, F. Mezei
Neutrons in particle and nuclear physics E.g. Neutron Electric Dipole Moment: symmetry violations if 0 2010.03.25 ASEPS
Neutrons in particle and nuclear physics E.g. Neutron cross sections: not predictable, partially known Well known: slow neutrons (eV) condensed matter res. Sporadically known: fast neutrons (keV, MeV) astrophysics transmutation (nuclear waste) single event upsets 2010.03.25 ASEPS
Neutrons in particle and nuclear physics E.g. Neutron cross sections: not predictable, partially known Well known: slow neutrons (eV) condensed matter res. Sporadically known: fast neutrons (keV, MeV) astrophysics transmutation (nuclear waste) single event upsets 2010.03.25 ASEPS
Neutrons in particle and nuclear physics E.g. Neutron cross sections: not predictable, partially known Well known: slow neutrons (eV) condensed matter res. Sporadically known: fast neutrons (keV, MeV) astrophysics transmutation (nuclear waste) single event upsets ?? 2010.03.25 ASEPS
Neutrons in particle and nuclear physics E.g. Neutron cross sections: not predictable, partially known Well known: slow neutrons (eV) condensed matter res. Sporadically known: fast neutrons (keV, MeV) astrophysics transmutation (nuclear waste) single event upsets Huge related issues: materials for fast neutron radiation (fusion, 4th gene- ration fission reactors,…) 2010.03.25 ASEPS
Slow neutron cross sections offer unique features Neutron see: Light elements next to heavy ones Deep inside most materials (mm - dm) : weak interaction theory exact negligible radiation damage Differences between isotopes, including activation Magnetic field B inside matter 2010.03.25 ASEPS
Inelastic Neutron Scattering X-ray correlation spectroscopy Slow neutron cross sections offer unique features Neutrons see: Light elements next to heavy ones Deep inside most materials (mm - dm) : weak interaction theory exact negligible radiation damage Differences between isotopes, including activation Magnetic field B inside matter Space and time on micro- and nanoscale 10-8 10-6 10-4 10-2 100 102 104 10-3 10-1 101 energy E = h [meV] scattering vector Q [Å-1] 108 106 103 length d = 2/Q [Å] time t [ps] Spin Echo Backscattering Chopper Inelastic x-ray Multi-Chopper Inelastic Neutron Scattering UT3 Brillouin scattering Raman scattering Photon correlation VUV- FEL µSR NMR Infra- red Dielectric spectroscopy X-ray correlation spectroscopy 2010.03.25 ASEPS
Neutrons see hydrogen atoms Life sciences: hydration, H-bonds, …. Materials for hydrogen economy Catalysis ….. 2010.03.25 ASEPS
Neutrons see deep inside engineering parts Neutrons see (tensile) stress inside bulky metal parts that caused wheel failure (M. Grosse et al. J. Neutr. Res. 2001) ICE accident, Eschede Standard engineering theory of plastic deformation stress was wrong end of XX. century! Knowledge based society??? 2010.03.25 ASEPS
Neutrons activation: destruction free chemical analysis Neutron activation radiography X-ray radiography Tiziano Vecellio Mädchen mit Fruchtschale (ca. 1555) Gemäldegalerie zu Berlin 2010.03.25 ASEPS F. Mezei, ESS WR-Audit Juelich, 10.-11. Dec. 2001
Neutrons see motion in space and time intensity time Time [ns] NSE signal de Gennes "reptation" in polymers -1.2 Atomic/ molecular mobility is key to functionality in soft and nanostructured matter: polymers, proteins, glasses,… Protein activity extra fluctuation spectrum 2010.03.25 ASEPS
Development of neutron sources for research Parasitic use of energy research reactors (1949…) Dedicated beam reactors (Chalk River, 15 MW, 1958, ….. ) ILL (Grenoble, 58 MW, 1972): limit of power at reasonable costs Pulsed sources (1960’s, Dubna): more efficient use of fewer neutrons produced 16.67 Hz pulsed source continuous source 50 Hz pulsed source Efficiency gain by pulsing: / ~8-1000 2010.03.25 ASEPS
Development of neutron sources for research Parasitic use of energy research reactors (1949…) Dedicated beam reactors (Chalk River, 15 MW, 1958, ….. ) ILL (Grenoble, 58 MW, 1972): limit of power at reasonable costs Pulsed sources (1960’s, Dubna): more efficient use of fewer neutrons produced Spallation sources (1970’s, Russian patent; IPNS, Argonne, USA) less heat / energy = costs per neutron produced Fission reactors: ~ 109 fast neutron / joule Spallation: ~ 1010 (> 400 MeV protons on heavy metal target) Fusion: ~1.5x1010 (but neutron slowing down efficiency reduced by ~20 times) Photo neutrons: ~ 109 (hard radiation on light nuclei) Nuclear reaction (p, Be): ~ 108 (< 14 MeV protons on Be) Small, cheap! 2010.03.25 ASEPS
Development of neutron sources for research Parasitic use of energy research reactors (1949…) Dedicated beam reactors (Chalk River, 15 MW, 1958, ….. ) ILL (Grenoble, 58 MW, 1972): limit of power at reasonable costs Pulsed sources (1960’s, Dubna): more efficient use of fewer neutrons produced Spallation sources (1970’s, Russian patent; IPNS, Argonne, USA) less heat / energy per neutron produced MW class pulsed spallation sources: 3 facilities world wide recommended by OECD Megascience Forum (1991) SNS (Oak Ridge, USA, 2006) & J-PARC (Tokai, Japan, 2008) Leap in source performance to surpass ILL: fewer neutrons more efficiently produced and used 2010.03.25 ASEPS
Development of neutron sources for research Parasitic use of energy research reactors (1949…) Dedicated beam reactors (Chalk River, 15 MW, 1958, ….. ) ILL (Grenoble, 58 MW, 1972): limit of power at reasonable costs Pulsed sources (1960’s, Dubna): more efficient use of fewer neutrons produced Spallation sources (1970’s, Russian patent; IPNS, Argonne, USA) less heat / energy per neutron produced MW class pulsed spallation sources: 3 facilities world wide recommended by OECD Megascience Forum (1991) SNS (Oak Ridge, USA, 2006) & J-PARC (Tokai, Japan, 2008) Leap in source performance to surpass ILL: fewer neutrons more efficiently produced and used But: reach approx. limits of traditional short pulse spallation source technology: shock waves in target, space charge in accelerator ring,… 2010.03.25 ASEPS
Next generation of spallation neutron sources 26.08.02 Next generation of spallation neutron sources simplify Linear accelerators alone can produce the same cold beam neutron pulses by ~100 s proton pulses 2010.03.25 ASEPS Halle, 9.9.2002, F. Mezei
Next generation of spallation neutron sources 26.08.02 Next generation of spallation neutron sources simplify Linear accelerators alone can produce the same cold beam neutron pulses by ~100 s proton pulses Make the pulses shorter if needed by innovative mechanical neutron chopper systems ( 15 M€) Leave the linac switched on for more neutron per pulse: Long Pulse (LP) concept Spend the 150 M€ saved on the ring for more power for the linac: ESS (cf. poster) One LP source neutron costs 5 – 40 times less than a SP source neutron 2010.03.25 ASEPS Halle, 9.9.2002, F. Mezei
Next generation of spallation neutron sources 26.08.02 Next generation of spallation neutron sources Neutron research in Europe: ~4000 scientists, 11 facilities (and decreasing): ~ 330 M€/a simplify Linear accelerators alone can produce the same beam cold neutron pulses by ~100 s proton pulses Make the pulses shorter if needed by innovative mechanical neutron chopper systems ( 15 M€) Leave the linac switched on for more neutron per pulse: Long Pulse (LP) concept Spend the 150 M€ saved on the ring for more power for the linac: e.g. ESS One LP source neutron costs 5 – 40 times less than a SP source neutron 2010.03.25 ASEPS Halle, 9.9.2002, F. Mezei
Industrial /commercial use of neutron research facilities Some uses (e.g. neutron radiography) by industrial / military facilities Others need the higher source brilliance: High quality doping of Si for IT industry Production of blue topaz from colorless ( 6 t/year) Radioactive (medical) isotope production Neutron tomography: 3d reconstruction of interior Material testing for engineering applications (structure, stress, wear & tear…) 2010.03.25 ASEPS
European Roadmap Need for “top tier” neutron source for Europe EU funded Preparatory Phase Projects: promote realization of ESFRI roadmap 2010.03.25 ASEPS
European business prevision for neutron research ESS extra amount over level spending: ~ 1000 M€ (2007 value) ESS scientific output a) New resources to be identified 2009 – 2019 for ESS investment b) Level spending beyond 2018 compatible with ESS operations and return on investment
Excellent collaboration opportuties Within Europe: EU FP7 Preparatory Phase Project for European Spallation Source (ESS): EU grant to facilitate realization of ESFRI Roadmap 2 years, 5 M€ funding (March 2008 – March 2010) 11 institutions from 9 countries (France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom) Between Asia and Europe: Extensive exchange of information Coordinated development of components and techniques Sharing of information, software tools Standardizing user interfaces ….. ……much is already ongoing Global Design Effort: To implement OECD 1991 recommendation: opportunity missed Future: could be of great benefit 2010.03.25 ASEPS