Chisinau, Republic of Moldova 2017 Project monitoring Training on Project Management and Implementation for Grant Beneficiaries and Partners TC Programme MD-UA Udrea Tatiana, EaPTC MA, GIZ Chisinau, Republic of Moldova 2017
DEFINITION: Monitoring is: an on-going process and has an important role to play in the management of programmes: in confirming that it is making good progress,determining whether or not the programme continues to pursue the original targets and in identifying potential problems so that corrective action can be taken.
Monitoring is An information system Usually performed on a systematic, regular basis Concerned with the facts! The main way for a beneficiary to keep the MA/TS informed about progress in implementation of a project Concerned with both financial and operational progress information
Monitoring structure of the EaPTC-Managing Authority 1 annual report (EC) 2 reviews per TC-programme (JDMC) Programme Monitoring MA Processing of the data Preparation of approx. 140 narrative reports from approx. 70 projects per year Project Monitoring LP: data collection according to monitoring requirements (to be defined by MA) Project data
Monitoring structure of the EaPTC-Managing Authority EC 1 annual report Programme Monitoring MA 71 projects 112 reports per year 2 reports per year JDMC AR - GE 2 reports per year JDMC AZ - GE 2 reports per year JDMC BY - UA 2 reports per year JDMC MD - UA Project Monitoring TC AR – GE 10 Projects 40 Reports per year TC AZ – GE 10 Projects 20 Reports per year TC BY – UA 30 Projects 60 Reports per year TC MD – UA 16 Projects 30 Reports per year
Programme level The MA submits narrative and financial reports: twice per year to the JDMCs. once per year to EU Commisssion.
Project level monitoring The purpose of the project monitoring is to keep track of how the project is progressing in terms of expenditure, resources used, implementation of activities, delivery of results and risk management. The project monitoring activity will be the responsibility of: Managing Authority/ Technical Secretariat at project level and Beneficiary (Lead Applicant) at the level of the activities carried out by each partner involved in the project.
External Monitoring The Contracting Authority is responsible for external monitoring (visits and/or phone interviews) during and after the completion of the project activities; At least one monitoring mission per 6 months should be planned and carried out or at the necessity; The external monitoring system is built on the output and result/impact indicators and concerns the following aspects of implementation: management and coordination, progress, dissemination.
Source of Monitoring Programme systematically should monitor all approved projects by means of the collection of data and assessing project performances. The logical framework, the Full Application Form, and the Action Plan, are the baseline sources of information to carry out the overall monitoring The monitoring will be based on the information collected from the Interim and Final Reports which contain detailed information on indicators, outputs, deliverables and audited expenditures, in order to consent a careful review of the project’s potential impact and its sustainability. The interim financial and interim narrative reports (Annex VI Grant Contract) shall be submitted in support of payment requests. Interim financial and interim narrative reports should cover 6 months period. A final financial and final narrative reports shall be submitted in support of balance payment.
Monitroting tools: Monitoring visits undertaken by MA/ TS representative Reports on monitoring site- visits drafted by TS and delivered to MA All the data a introdused to Electronic system in order to monitor Programme indicators.
Project Monitoring MA monitors at project level, but Lead Partner (LP) monitors activities carried out by each partner Task of the Lead Partner and partners – obligatory, part of the contract ... in order to inform the MA on project progress Operational and financial Financial reports are a pre-condition for further payments (after advance payment)
Internal monitoring Key factors of good project management; Should be planned and integrated throughout the project realisation; Project managers: are responsible to monitor the realisation of the project’ s overall and specific objectives : should regularly check the activity plan to make sure that the project implementation is going as planned and that there are no major discrepancies.
Presentation of an EaPTC Monitoring System Systematic collection of data Project level When setting up a project-level monitoring system, the following steps could be considered: Review project activity/implementation plan and logical framework before the project start-up LogFrame shoud show sources of information needed to track indicators! Appoint the responsible person for designing the system, organizing data collection, analysing information, preparing the project reports Establish rules and procedures with the partners Define the internal reporting system
The project partners (co-beneficiaries, affiliated partners) report to the Lead Beneficiary. There are no prescriptions on the reporting format from the MA. The reporting has to be done in a way that the contribution of the partners’ activities to the achievement of the indicators as outlined in the LogFrame can be assessed by the Lead Beneficiary (and subsequently by the MA). The timing of reporting should be aligned with the reporting periods of the Lead Beneficiary to the MA.
Consolidated EaPTC reporting process Coordinator submits documents to Technical Secretariat (TS) Electronic copies of: Financial report/list of expenditures; Audit report Copies of the original financial documentation of the project partners; Translation of the financial documents in English; MA / TS makes initial check TS/MA checks the submitted documents Additional documents / clarifications may be requested (in e-copies) Coordinator provides signed report and annexes Official letter about the submission of the report; Financial interim report and list of expenditures; The narrative interim report; The budget forecast; Payment request (if applicable);
Consolidated EaPTC reporting process The financial officer of GIZ MA submits documents to GIZ office in Chisinau Documents from Coordinator; Official letter –approval of the report from MA; List of expenditure, signed by “AV”, approving the material correctness. OK MA carries out Monitoring Visits Once in six months; TS / MA controls the original documentation and the copies of the project partners at the office of Coordinator; TS / MA decides if the documentation will be checked completely or selectively After the financial control, the GIZ Office (Chisinau) approves and performs the next tranche Not later than 45 days after acceptance of the Report, submitted by the Coordinator N.B. Should the TS / MA identifies ineligible costs in the event of checks during monitoring visits, such costs will be deducted at the latest with the next pre-financing payment
MA/TS GIZ Office FLOW OF REPORTS WITH PAYMENT REQUEST LEAD PARTNER max. 10 working days OFFICIAL LETTER BENEFICIARY REPORT DOCUMENT SIGNED BY THE HEAD OF INTERVETION (Leistungsbestatigung) OFFICIAL LETTER MA TEAM LEADER OFFICIAL LETTER BENEFICIARY REPORT Partner 1…n MA/TS GIZ Office LEAD PARTNER Request for clarifications Request for clarifications Answer to request for clarifications Answer to request for clarifications
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