Homework social movement? which theory best explains it? Deprivation theory Fighting for rights/goods Mass society theory Outcasts finding a way to belong/have power Social concern theory Preserving some aspect of society Structural strain theory Some problem in society that people feel the need to change
Society, Culture, and Discrimination HSP3M
Society A group of people in a particular geographic area who share the same rules and laws
Culture A set of ideas, beliefs, and behaviours that is handed down from one generation to the next
Society and Culture A society may be made up of many different cultures Immigrants bring their culture with them when they come to a new society
Social Institutions Societies meet the needs of their inhabitants through social institutions See handout Use text page 219
Cultures within a society There are basically 3 ways that different cultures can exist within a society Segregation Assimilation Multiculturalism
Segregation Minorities live, work, and go to school separately from the rest of society Can be voluntary (Mennonites) or imposed (apartheid, internment, etc.)
The American South in the first half of the 20th century In most places blacks and whites didn’t live in the same neighborhoods Blacks were not allowed to go to school with whites Many times, blacks were not allowed to try on clothing in department stores In public areas such as restaurants, movie theatres, and museums, blacks and whites did not sit together.
Examples of institutionalized segregation 1914: Louisiana required separate entrances for blacks and whites. 1915: Oklahoma segregated telephone booths. 1920: Mississippi made it a crime to advocate or publish “arguments or suggestions in favor of social equalities or of interracial between whites and Negroes”. Arkansas had segregation at racetracks. Texas prohibited integrated boxing matches. Kentucky required separate schools, and also that no textbook would be issued to a black would ever be reissued or redistributed, they also prohibited interracial marriage. New Orleans created segregated red light districts for white and blacks prostitutes.
Assimilation A policy that encourages or forces minority culture to adopt the ways of the dominant society Example: Natives in Canada
Native Assimilation Residential schools First Nations children forcibly taken from their families and placed in boarding schools far from home Forbidden to speak native language or practice religious beliefs (forced to learn English, become Christian) In all, about 150,000 aboriginal, Inuit and Métis children were removed from their communities and forced to attend the schools
Multiculturalism Different cultures are encouraged to retain their distinct characteristics, ideas, and beliefs Pros: New ideas, richer diversity (think food, music) Greater tolerance Cons: Weakened national identity? Isolates newcomers from the rest of society? Conflict for children torn between two cultures
Homework Apartheid article