Postmodernism. Aim: to gain a basic conceptual understanding of postmodernism. To apply theories of postmodernism to Advanced production Coursework.
What is modernism? Modernism was a new way of thinking and perceiving the world at the turn of the Twentieth century. Modernism in the arts incorporated fine art and sculpture, design, literature and theatre. Modernist work was influenced by the modern world and the dawning of a new century.
Modernist art Cubism and Surrealism
Modernist Architecture ?
Modernist Literature ? James Joyce’s ‘Ulysses’
Twentieth Century Modernist Arts Film Photography Jazz
Postmodernism for beginners… …….a question of old versus new?
Examples 1- Music
Example 2- Film
Examples 3- Advertising
Madonna – ‘the queen of reinvention’ Case study: ‘Material Girl’
So what is postmodernism? Cultural theorist Jean Baudrillard and Ihab Hassan combined to come up with following 8 non-laws of postmodernism!
Surface Emphasis of style over content or substance.
Rejection A move against traditional large narratives that dictated our lives e.g.: religion and politics.
Appropriation Recycling past styles and cultures in the form of ‘pastiche’ also known as ‘bricologe’.
Playfulness Onus on useless decoration applied in an exaggerated manner.
Complexity The blurring of boundaries between high and low art.
Intertextuality When one text/design cross references another.
Diversity Varied cultural experiences.
Audience Central to the interpretation of meaning. Each individual brings their own subjective meaning.
So how much do we know? Case Study: analyse the opening sequence to Baz Lurhamnn’s version of ‘Romeo and Juliet’ Look gain at Baudrillard and Hassan’s theories of postmodernism and see how many you can apply to the clip.
Lets go back to our media texts…. To review: in your groups look again at the media texts you were given at the start of the lesson. Apply the 8 postmodern concepts – annotate on paper/whiteboard.
surface, intertextuality, diversity, Rejection of big ideas Think about your work in terms of postmodernism. How many of the postmodern concepts can you apply to your work. surface, intertextuality, diversity, Rejection of big ideas appropriation Make some notes.
Media Language Practice Question: ‘How is meaning constructed through the use of media language in one of your coursework production?’ Consider: The technical aspects. Semiotics and postmodern analysis. Genre and narrative conventions.