Uniformed personnel Last updated: November 2015
CONTENT HIV prevalence and epidemiology Risk behaviors Vulnerability and HIV knowledge National response
HIV prevalence and epidemiology
HIV prevalence among uniformed personnel, countries where data is available, 2006-2014 Source: Prepared by www.aidsdatahub.org based on 1) HIV Sentinel Surveillance Surveys; 2) National HIV/AIDS and STI Programme, Ministry of Health Bhutan. (2009). Bhutan: HIV Epidemiological Situation and Health Sector Response 2009; and 3) National AIDS Committee. (2015). Thailand Ending AIDS. Thailand AIDS Response Progress Report 2015. Reporting Period: Fiscal Year of 2014.
Syphilis prevalence among uniformed personnel, countries where data is available, 2006-2014 Source: Prepared by www.aidsdatahub.org based on 1) National AIDS Programme, Department of Health, Ministry of Health and World Health Organization (2015). Results of HIV Sentinel Sero-surveillance 2014; 2) Ministry of Health, HIV/STI Unit. (2012). Results from the HIV/STI Integrated Biological & Behavioral Surveillance Survey Democratic Republic of Timor -Leste 2011; and 3) National HIV/AIDS and STI Programme, Ministry of Health Bhutan. (2009). Bhutan: HIV Epidemiological Situation and Health Sector Response 2009
Risk behaviours
Proportion of uniformed personnel who reported having commercial sex in the last year, 2008-2011 Source: Prepared by www.aidsdatahub.org based on Behavioural Surveillance Surveys ;Integrated Biological and Behavioral Surveys; International Centre for Ethnic Studies, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Buitenlandse Zaken, et al. (2009). A Survey of HIV/AIDS Awareness and Risky Sexual Behavior in a Vulnerable Population in Sri Lanka.
Mean number of sex partners among uniformed personnel in the last 12 months, countries where data is available, 2008-2011 Source: Prepared by www.aidsdatahub.org based on 1) National AIDS/STI Control Programme Bhutan. (2009). Behavioural Surveillance Survey, 2008 Bhutan - Technical Report; and 2) National HIV and STI Surveillance and Strategic Information Unit, National Epidemiology Center, DOH. (2013). 2011 Integrated HIV Behavioral and Serologic Surveillance (IHBSS). Manila, Philippines
Mean number of commercial sex partners among uniformed personnel in the last month, countries where data is available, 2008-2011 Source: Prepared by www.aidsdatahub.org based on 1) National AIDS/STI Control Programme Bhutan. (2009). Behavioural Surveillance Survey, 2008 Bhutan - Technical Report; and 2) National HIV and STI Surveillance and Strategic Information Unit, National Epidemiology Center, DOH. (2013). 2011 Integrated HIV Behavioral and Serologic Surveillance (IHBSS). Manila, Philippines
Proportion of uniformed personnel who reported condom use with FSW, countries where data is available, 2008-2011 Source: Prepared by www.aidsdatahub.org based on National AIDS/STI Control Programme Bhutan. (2009). Behavioural Surveillance Survey 2008 Bhutan - Technical Report and Integrated Biological and Behavioral Surveys; International Centre for Ethnic Studies, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Buitenlandse Zaken, et al. (2009). A Survey of HIV/AIDS Awareness and Risky Sexual Behavior in a Vulnerable Population in Sri Lanka; and 3) National HIV and STI Surveillance and Strategic Information Unit, National Epidemiology Center, DOH. (2013). 2011 Integrated HIV Behavioral and Serologic Surveillance (IHBSS). Manila, Philippines
Vulnerability and HIV knowledge
Proportion of uniformed personnel with comprehensive knowledge of HIV, countries where data is available, 2008-2011 Source: Prepared by www.aidsdatahub.org based on Behavioral Surveillance Surveys ,Integrated Biological and Behavioral Surveys, UNGASS Progress Reports 2010
National response
Proportion of uniformed personnel who received an HIV test, countries where data is available, 2005-2011 Source: Prepared by www.aidsdatahub.org based on 1) Fiji Second Generation Surveillance 2008 cited in UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2010; 2) National HIV and STI Surveillance and Strategic Information Unit, National Epidemiology Center, DOH. (2013). 2011 Integrated HIV Behavioral and Serologic Surveillance (IHBSS). Manila, Philippines; 3) National HIV/AIDS and STI Programme, Ministry of Health. Bhutan: HIV epidemiological situation and health sector response, 2009; and 4) National Center for HIV/AIDS, Dermatology and STD (NCHADS), Cambodia STI Sentinel Survey, 2005.
Proportion of uniformed personnel reached with health services or HIV prevention programmes, 2008-2011 Source: Prepared by www.aidsdatahub.org based on National AIDS/STI Control Programme Bhutan. (2009). Behavioural Surveillance Survey, 2008 Bhutan - Technical Report; and 2) National HIV and STI Surveillance and Strategic Information Unit, National Epidemiology Center, DOH. (2013). 2011 Integrated HIV Behavioral and Serologic Surveillance (IHBSS). Manila, Philippines.
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