Origin, Purpose, Content, Value, Limitation OPCVL Origin, Purpose, Content, Value, Limitation Props to: http://www.taylormccarey.com/uploads/1/7/8/4/17840051/question_2_opcvl.pdf Dudley stole some things from this site – cite yo sources!
Breakdown of Paper One by Question (We call it a DBQ) First Question, part A Test understanding of on of the sources (3 marks) First Question, part B Test understanding of one of the sources (2 marks) Second Question This question will ask students to analyze the value and limitations of one of the sources. In their analysis of value and limitations, students should refer to the origin, purpose and content of the specified source.(OPCVL) (4 marks) Third Question Compare and Contrast what two of the sources reveal to a historian studying the particular aspect of the prescribed subject (6 marks) Fourth Question Evaluate question that asks students to draw on both the sources and their own knowledge (9 marks) Maximum marks is 24.
OPCVL Tips: Origin – Use the author name at the top Content – Use what the author says Purpose – Use both the author and what the author says O – Origin ◦ What type of source? (Newspaper, speech, gov’t document?) ◦ Who is the author? (Historian? Hitler? Nazi Party member?) P – Purpose ◦ Who is this for? (Group of supporters? Convince a Politian? Convince the average citizen?) ◦ Why did they write it? (Persuade? Inform?) C – Content ◦ What info does the source provide/What do we learn (dates? Statistics? Locations?)
Value of a Historical Text: Value – How can we use this info? ◦ Origin – How does who wrote it/ what type of document help us about this topic? Why can we trust them? ◦ Content – How does the info help us? What do we learn from the info written? ◦ Purpose – How does the intended audience or why they wrote it help us? Tip Value of a Historical Text: Objectivity Thoroughly Researched Access to a wide range of sources and evidence Hindsight New Evidence Analysis of Cause and Effect
Limits of a Historical Text: Limit – What are the problems with this source ? ◦ Origin – How does who wrote it/ what type of document not help us about this topic? Why can’t we trust them? ◦ Content – How does the info not help us? Does the info conflict with any prior knowledge? ◦ Purpose – How does the intended audience or why they wrote it not help us? Tip Limits of a Historical Text: Only an extract Topic may have only been briefly researched because it is the small part of a general history text May not have had access to a full range of sources (Think Soviet Russia before 1991) Historian may represent a school of thought or national perspective (Marxism) Unconscious bias
OPCVL – Value and Limitations always discussed with reference to Origin, Purpose, and Content (O) Origin (V) Value (P) Purpose (L) Limitation (C) Content