UNIVERSITIES REGIONAL WORKSHOP National Network 18 March 2016, NUST Windhoek, NAMIBIA Isaac KUSANE 15-16 Dec. 2014, Gaborone
Overall Objectives The Overall Objectives to briefly REVIEW the just ended MESA University TRAINING/WORKSHOP and map a way Forward Beyond the training/workshop. 18th March 2016, NUST, Windhoek, NAMIBIA
SADC Thema Network ... Int. EO community MESA RIC SADC Scretariat NBIs Botswana Mauritius DRC Lesotho Madagascar Malawi Mozambique RSA Seychelles Swaziland Tanzania Zambia Namibia NBIs Angola NBI-F Zimbabwe NBI-A NBI-D NBI-W NBI-U Dep. Met Min.. Water Dep. Forestry Civil Prot. District Councils National Parks ... NBIs Zimbabwe MESA Co-applicants SADC Scretariat Int. EO community 18th March 2016, NUST, Windhoek, NAMIBIA
National Network National Steering Committee Directors at policy level National Working Committee National Steering Committee Staff at technical level (Meet regularly and participate in REG-WG) Directors at policy level (Meet once per year) Chairperson of Nat-SC and representative in Reg-SC Elected chair of Nat-WG NBI Agriculture NBI University NBI Flood Fire NBI Drought NBI Director Drought Flood University NBI =National Beneficiary Institution SC = Steering Committee WG = Working Committee 18th March 2016, NUST, Windhoek, NAMIBIA
Communication Channel Reg-SG RIC Nat-SG Chair Nat-SG Nat-WG Chair Nat-WG NFP 18th March 2016, NUST, Windhoek, NAMIBIA
Letter of Agreement The purpose of the Letter of Agreement is to define the roles and responsibilities of the MESA National Networks and the Regional Implementation Centre with respect to implementation of the MESA SADC Thematic Action. 18th March 2016, NUST, Windhoek, NAMIBIA
LETTER OF AGREEMENT Annex I: List of MESA National Focal Point institutions in [Country] Annex II: National Budget Annex III: ToRs for MESA National Networks - Appendix A: TORs REG-SC - Appendix B: TORS NAT-SC Annex IV: MESA Reporting template
Result Area R[1]: Improved and sustainable access EO data and information at regional and national levels. R[2] : Geo-information services available R[3] : Cross-fertilization and continentalization R[4] : Strengthened political and policy development frameworks R[5]: Increased knowledge of African stakeholders with regard to EO information 18th March 2016, NUST, Windhoek, NAMIBIA
RIC’s Responsibility Provision of MESA Hardware and Software to Beneficiary Institutions under Result Area Regular provision of products for the Agriculture, Drought, Flood and Wildfire Services, under Result Area 2 Capacity building under Result Area 5 General project support as per the MESA contract agreement. 18th March 2016, NUST, Windhoek, NAMIBIA
National Network Responsibility Setting up a MESA National Working Group and meeting at regular intervals– See Annex III for TORs Setting up a MESA National Steering Committee and meeting at regular intervals – See Annex III for TORs Support, implementation and monitoring of agreed MESA activities at national level (Result Areas 2,4 and 5) Awareness-raising for policy-making at national level. This includes acknowledging MESA information whenever used in national bulletins and publications. (Result Area 4) Training at national level (Result Area 5) Regular reporting on MESA activities according to MESA reporting formats (refer to Annex IV for reporting templates). General project support as per the MESA contract agreement. Acknowledge the contribution of the donor on all documents where relevant by adding the EU, MESA SADC THEMA and SADC logos, 18th March 2016, NUST, Windhoek, NAMIBIA
THANK YOU Vienna Office