2 ATIS 5G OVERVIEW ATIS launched its 5G Ad Hoc in 2015 to advance regulatory imperatives, deliver an evolutionary path, address co-existence of technologies, and embrace disruptive opportunities for 5G. From a disruptive perspective, ATIS is considering potential new architectures for breakthrough 5G opportunities: Create new business models and advance new providers; as well as Optimize user experience on current and future devices. Use cases emphasize alternatives that optimize use of unlicensed spectrum in combination with, and in preference to, licensed spectrum. ATIS’ 5G work also addresses on-demand mobility, local offload, edge caching and other techniques to improve broadband performance, lower cost, and increase capacity.
3 ATIS 5G OBJECTIVE Understand, define, and advance North American requirements. Focus on: Regulatory considerations Unique network characteristics Potential breakthrough opportunities Delivered industry white paper. “5G Reimagined: A North American Perspective” published in November 2015. http://www.atis.org/01_resources/whitepapers.asp Analysis continues in 5G Ad Hoc.
ATIS 5G ROADMAP 5G technical migration path 4 ATIS 5G ROADMAP 5G technical migration path and high-level requirements Phase 2 white paper 5G Ad Hoc/Forum Elaboration of prioritized breakthrough use cases Contribution to requirements for 3GPP Release 14 5G study items Evaluate need to contribute to other organizations Prep. normative 5G requirements Technical analysis & 3GPP input (ATIS’ WTSC, PTSC) 1Q 2016 2Q 2016 3Q 2016 4Q 2016
ATIS 5G TECHNICAL MIGRATION ANALYSIS 5G requirements from use cases in ATIS white paper. Determine if requirements are addressed by current standards initiatives. Relationship of optimized 5G core to evolved 4G core. Assess required interfaces 3G CN EPC 5G CN New RAT 3G RAT 4G Evolution
5G ENHANCED CAPABILITIES 6 5G ENHANCED CAPABILITIES 5G use cases require new network functionality: Enhanced mobile broadband Massive M2M Ultra-reliable / low latency LTE continues to evolve. Assess 5G timing from end-to-end perspective (i.e., Radio + Core): Phase 1 vs. phase 2 Frequency bands Figure reproduced with permission from the ITU. Source: Draft New Rec. ITU-R M.[IMT.VISION], ITU-R IMT Vision -“Framework and overall objectives of the future development of IMT for 2020 and beyond” developed by ITU-R Working Party 5D.
5G BREAKTHROUGH USE CASES 7 5G BREAKTHROUGH USE CASES Use Case Opportunity QoE: Customer Care New approaches to optimize end-user experience by using device-centric QoE as a Marketing and Customer Care Tool QoE: Network New QoE-based approaches to Network Management, Optimization and Engineering Flexible Partnering Models for more effective collaboration among Over The Top Content Providers (OTTs), 3rd Party Providers and Carriers Trading Info for Value Mechanisms that enable a broader range of indirect business models while protecting privacy
QUALITY OF EXPERIENCE (QoE) 8 QUALITY OF EXPERIENCE (QoE) Quality of Experience QoE: overall acceptability of a service or application, as perceived subjectively by the end-user. 3GPP focus on QoS transmission statistics. QoE research shows QoS and user-centric input mechanisms are both needed to truly meet end-user expectations. Person User Customer Quality of Experience Application Service Provider QoS Network Operator Network
QoE AS A MARKETING/CUSTOMER CARE TOOL 9 QoE AS A MARKETING/CUSTOMER CARE TOOL QoE can help service providers improve customer satisfaction Customer trouble reports provide QoE measurements QoE measurements help to identify new service opportunities Integrating QoE into customer management systems enhances value
QoE AS A NETWORK MANAGEMENT TOOL 1010 QoE AS A NETWORK MANAGEMENT TOOL Service Provider QoE can help identify source of performance issues. Network is aware of user service and can select a more appropriate path. 5G, network slicing and virtualization can be directed for maximum impact. Context awareness can include device capability. Analyze Control Collect Measure
1111 FLEXIBLE PARTNERING Commercial partnerships are essential to meeting user expectations. Partnerships can address coverage (e.g., between licensed carriers and Wi-Fi providers). Partnerships can enrich services, (e.g., between carriers and content providers). 5G systems must support flexible partnering in established and emerging combinations. App Providers Content Owners MVNOs Unlicensed Access Licensed Carriers
1212 TRADING INFO FOR VALUE User Permissions Information about users, and their behavior, is valuable to advertisers and other groups. Operators may, with user permission, obtain user data and exchange with interested parties. Value obtained from user information may be returned to the user (e.g., by subsidization of service costs). Value Exchange Carriers App providers Content providers Users Advertisers Data Collection
NEXT STEPS Complete requirements analysis. 1313 NEXT STEPS Complete requirements analysis. Continue analysis of “breakthrough” use cases. Continue collaboration with other 5G activities: 5G Americas, GSMA, NGMN, ITU, etc. Engage ATIS technical subject matter expertise for further analysis of key requirements. Host 5G workshop at Big Communications Event on May 23, 2016, in Austin, TX. Second white paper targeted for publication in 3Q 2016.