KIARA MERES Apprentice Youth Pastor Leading Youth Ministry on Friday nights - we have 35 youth in Bible Study and 70 youth at Youth Group Mentoring High School age girls like Samantha Payne in Year 9 Teaching Scripture and running a lunchtime group at Blakehurst High School - which will expand next year to 3 scripture classes! Organising “OMEGA” the end of year Youth Camp Studying Church History at SMBC Shortfall 31st Oct: - $ 7,292 Shortfall 31st Dec: - $10,777 To Support Kiara (tax deductibly) just Google “MTS Kiara Meres”
JOHN DELEZIO Blue Collar Ministry Apprentice Factory Chaplaincy programme in the Planthurst St Industrial Estate Teaching 36 kids in Scripture (Years 2 and 3 at Carlton South Public School) Teaching Scripture at Blakehurst HS Doing the Diploma in Theology through the Blue Collar College (1 day per week) Preaching at St Cuthbert’s on a regular basis Shortfall 31st Oct: - $ 8,430 Shortfall 31st Dec: - $11,730 To Support John (tax deductibly) just Google “MTS John Delezio”