Pixel Upgrade Status & Plans CMS Engineering & Integration Meeting CERN, 2. March 2011 R. Horisberger, PSI
Present Pixel Detector with 3 hit coverage works very well ! Measured resolution srf = 13mm sz = 25mm Pixel Thresholds mean = 2450 e 3 barrel layers & 2 F/B disks easy & quick removal / installation in shut down designed for luminosity < 1x1034 cm-2 sec-1 design fluence < 0.6x1015n/cm2 (tolerate more) 1
Proposed Pixel Upgrade BPIX 3 Layer 4 Layers FPIX 2x2 Disk 3x2 Disk Increase number pixel tracking points 3 4 CO2 cooling based Ultra Light Mechanics Shift material budget out of tracking h–region Significant X/X0 reduction Minimize 1 Layer radius reduced impact dxy & dz error ROC modifications for operation up to L ~ 2x1034 Use same cabling DC/DC converters for power 320MHz digital readout on fibres pixel tracking & vertexing significant improved and robustified 2
Shift material budget out of tracking region Current BPIX Services Upgraded BPIX Services h<2.2 : weight = 16.9 Kg (3 layer) h<2.2 : weight = 6.5 Kg (4 layer) shift out Current 3 layer Upgraded 4 layer Current 2 disk Upgraded 3 layer Radiation length h ~1.5 : g-conversion for H gg from 22% to 11% for new 4 Layer Pixel System 3
BPIX / FPIX Envelope Definition & Insertion into CMS Barrel Supply Tube Insertion of new system verified CF hinge All identical disks using all identical Vanes and one geometry 2x8 modules. CO2 cooling loops stainless steel pipes wall thickness = 100m diameter =1.8mm 4
BPIX Upgrade Mechanics 1216 modules 81M pixel (1.6 x present BPIX) (present) baseline Full module type only Layer 1: R 39mm; 16 faces Layer 2: R 68mm; 28 faces Layer 3: R 109mm; 44 faces Layer 4: R 160mm; 64 faces Clearance to beam pipe 4mm current 22.5mm 24.7mm upgrade < 29.5mm > If beam pipe r < 22.5 mm 1st Layer: 12 faces <R>=29.5mm 5
Ultra Light Mechanics BPIX Prototype Layer 1 100 bar pressure tested Tubes, 50m wall thickness Weight Layer1 42g + 7g CO2 30% of old first layer X/X0 Present Pixel Barrel z-impact param. res. [mm] azimutal angle F Low mass CO2 cooling pipes less multiple scattering in impact parameter resolution 6
FPIX Mechanics & Prototype inner & outer ring for easier replacement 6 disk of 112 sensors each 672 modules one module size with 2x8 ROC / module 10’752 ROC’s ~ 44M pixel (2.5 x old FPIX) CO2 cooling loops 7
Impact Parameter of old / new Pixel System Barrel Region Forward Region 0<h<1.0 transverse IP current transverse IP upgraded Barrel Region Forward Region 0<h<1.0 0.6 current longitudinal IP ~0.75 longitudinal IP upgraded IP estimate for 12 face 1st Layer Beam pipe r<23mm : 16 faces to 12 faces reduce MS term by ~0.75 total 0.75x0.6 = 0.45 ! 8
Upgrade of Pixel Readout Chain 12 time stamps 32 data buffers 1176mm 300mm PSI46 ROC Present ROC for 1st Layer: Luminosity bx-spacing Data Loss 1x1034cm-2s-1 25nsec 4% 50nsec 16% 2x1034cm-2s-1 25nsec 15% 50nsec ~50% 50nsec operation of LHC was not planned in original ROC architecture in 1998. m-twisted CCA pair (Copper-Cladded Aluminum) Data losses removed by ROC changes: 1) increase depth of Status - data buffer 32 80 done - timestamps 12 24 done 2) add readout buffer done 3) 160Mbit/sec serial binary data out now 4) deal with PKAM events DAQ resync Talk about front end chip design – for upgraded system 1m long low mass link at 320MHz , chips done ! 3.125 ns 40mV 9
Current / Upgraded Pixel Track Seeding at 2x1034cm-2s-1 Reduced data loss and quadruplet seeding improves efficiency and reduces fake rate ! 10
b-tagging of Current / Upgraded Pixel System ttbar 80<pt<120 GeV Combined Seondary Vertex Tagger ~5x fake rate reduction +25% efficiency gain Lumiosity = Current detector Upgraded Efficient b-jet tagging crucial to many physics analysis e.g. 4-b-jet channel fake rate reduction by factor ~600 or ~2.4 x signal gain 11
Pixel Upgrade Schedule 13
New LHC Schedule drives Pixel Schedule 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 LHC machine 7 TeV TS 7 TeV shut down LS1 14 TeV TS 14 TeV TS 14 TeV TS 14 TeV LS2 CMS open ( ) ( ) ( ) present beampipe new beampipe (45mm) Pixel (rep/ mod/ test/ inst) new pixel instal. test PP1 preparation Pixel tests @ PixTIF CO2 plant (pre) install. ( ) CO2 – pixel load tests Pixel (instal./comm./oper) The new LHC schedule after Chamonix 2011 constraints our possible time planning
New beam pipe for pixel upgrade CMS Technical Coordination requested in Nov 2010 a CAD design study for a beam pipe diameter that still would be compatible in installation and required clearances with 12 face innermost barrel layer. BPIX design study finished in Jan. 2011 Considered: cabling clearances inner shield imperfections beam displacements < 2 mm minimal overlaps of sensor areas Conclusion: mean 1st layer Si- radius = 29.8 mm need 2 mm clearance to beam pipe need adjustable closing mechanism Beam pipe diameter (outer) = 45 mm !
BPIX & FPIX should both do these tests ! Installation: Adjust & Close Tests in LS1 Current BPIX design has 7.5mm tolerance from inner shield to beam pipe. Observe ~3.2mm beam pipe displacement to nominal CMS tracker ! (z-dependent) New upgrade pixel assumes courageous 2 mm tolerance gap to new beam pipe ! Only possible by adjustable BPIX pixel rail feet ! ( how about FPIX? ) Insertion past beam pipe support ring may require closing mechanism in final z-position ! Propose installation tests with duplicate of new upgrade pixel mechanics. 1) test tolerances 2) test adjustment to beam pipe displacement 3) test closing mechanism in situ Talk about front end chip design – for upgraded system BPIX & FPIX should both do these tests ! to be done ~ Mai 2014 worm gear
CO2-Cooling / Power Pixel Load Tests PP0 Propose to build dummy supply tubes with ohmic power loads and CO2 cooling loops with identical power cabling and final cooling loop connections as real detector for PP0. BPIX / FPIX service tubes with ohmic power loads and CO2- cooling loops Pixel power / cooling load cylinders are used to verify and commission CO2 cooling plant at the PixTIF and the cooling plant in CMS prior to the installation of the new pixel in CMS. Talk about front end chip design – for upgraded system Ohmic power loads with CO2-cooling. can be shortened
Development of digital PSI46 ROC Reduce data losses by: 1) increase depth of - data buffer 32 80 - timestamps 12 24 2) add readout buffer 3) 160Mbit/sec serial binary data out 4) deal with PKAM events Tests with LHC rate beams - rare errors with data - SEU errors 32 data buffers 576 m 1176 m Submission planned Sept. 2011 Talk about front end chip design – for upgraded system 12 time stamp buffers 252 m Next data losses term after 1) & 2) is dc-reset loss, removal possible by use of an extra marker bit (*) modify data buffer logic ! Submission possible in 2012 ! (*) based on an idea by H-C. Kaestli (2010)
Submission of digital PSI46 ROC Submission of new digital PSI46dig (September 2011) Submission with 4 chips / recticle Qty Name Properties 1 PSI46 present analog readout ROC, as used now in FPIX / BPIX 1 PSI46xdb analog readout ROC but with extended deeper data buffers 1 PSI46dig digital ROC, extended data buffers & ROC readout buffers 1 TBM etc TBM & faster ALT & various test chips Submission of dc-reset loss corrected PSI46dig (possible 2012) Submission with 4 chips / recticle Qty Name Properties 3 PSI46dig digital ROC, extended data buffers & ROC readout buffers 1 PSI46digx PSI46dig with dc-reset losses removed Talk about front end chip design – for upgraded system
Possible Recticle for September 2011 Submission HDI-driver chip Old PSI46 ROC PSI46xdb - analog readout - extended db & ts buffers LCDS-driver chip ( Kapton cable drivers) old TBM TBM chips PSI46dig - digital readout - extended db & ts buffers - readout buffers - pulse height ADC old & PKAM clipping redesigned more test chips ALT chip ( Faster Analog Level Translator (ALT) chip for read out Opto Hybrid) digital TBM & PKAM clipping
FPIX Pilot Blades with PSI46dig ROC FPIX mechanics, cooling & cabling was originally designed for 3 disks each side. Present installed FPIX system has only 2 disks equipped. All cables, fibres and cooling pipes for 3rd disk exist ! Proposal: After repair of present FPIX during LS1 insert the 3rd disk mechanic and mount a few pilot blades of old design with new digital ROC (PSI46dig) and provide for these blades a few (already existing) readout fibres with old AOH, but new (faster) ALT chip. Talk about front end chip design – for upgraded system Available time slot for construction Jan. 2012-Feb. 2013 13 month ! Can operate and commission new digital ROC under realistic conditions (use CMS tracking as beam telescope) and write all the necessary software changes in DAQ, DB and DQM for a smooth and swift transition for the new upgraded pixel system in 2016/17
PSI46xdb : analog ROC with extended data buffers Present ROC with analog coded readout can be significantly improved for beyond LHC luminosity performance at very low radius layer by extended data & time stamp buffers PSI46xdb included in combined recticle in planned September 2011 submission. ROC becomes 356um larger may use in fresh BPIX 1st layer replacement in LS1 ! 1176 m 32 DB 576 m 12 TS 252 m 1532 m 80 DB 896 m 24 TS 288 m 356 m present ROC increased buffer size compact layout (done) Talk about front end chip design – for upgraded system
Replacement of 1st Layer of BPIX in SL1 ? Replacement of 1st layer of BPIX with fresh silicon sensors and improved ROC chip with deeper data buffers could allow an efficient 1st BPIX layer operation for LHC running beyond standart luminosities. Summer 2007, mounted modules of 1st pixel layer Use of PSI46xdb ROC that is logic design step along the path to produce PSI46dig. Available production time slot Jan. 2012 – Feb. 2013 13 month This would cure the dominant dead time producing mechanism (data buffer overflow) and improve the 1st layer data loss (~5%) until installation of the new upgraded 4 layer pixel system with digital readout. For readout and software nothing changes. However, it will distract us from our main mission of a new 4 layer digital pixel system !
Data digital pixel module / balanced coding MUX core ROC 160 MHz bus channel A 160 MHz bus channel B 320 MHz uplink Token A Token B TBM 320 MHz read out signal is pseudo balanced by multiplexing by A with !B good enough for ZARLINK ? need encoding in TBM ? which? 4b/5b or 8b/10b core
New FPIX Pilot System for 2013 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 LHC machine 7 TeV TS 7 TeV shut down LS1 14 TeV TS 14 TeV TS 14 TeV TS 14 TeV LS2 CMS open ( ) ( ) ( ) present beampipe new beampipe (45mm) FPIX Pilot Pixel (rep/ mod/ test/ inst) constructon new pixel instal. test PP1 preparation Pixel tests @ PixTIF CO2 plant (pre) install. ( ) CO2 – pixel load tests Pixel (instal./comm./oper) Pilot blades with PSI46dig for 3rd FPIX Disk: Jan 2012 – Feb. 2013 13 months ! !
Summary & Conclusions Chamonix 2011 schedule for LHC has clear constraints for next years to come and the work that needs to be done in LS1. Schedule for LS2 not reliable known. Installation in extended TS (2016/17) conceivable. Should advance as many pixel installation jobs as possible to LS1. reduce personal irrad. dose; more time to react for problems; reduce task pile-up Beam pipe (outer) diameter of 45mm would allow 1st pixel layer radius <r>= 29.8mm Requires adjustabel feet to deal with clearance tolerances and disalignment of CMS ROC submission planned in Sept. 2011 with PSI46, PSI46xdb, PSI46dig & TBM’s plus extra chips like faster ALT, Gatekeeper etc. Propose to install in LS1 the FPIX system with partial equipped 3rd disks using a few pilot blades with the new digital ROC and digital readout chain. Allows concurrent running and commissioning of old & new system. Time slot for construction is very short. (~1 year) Common System & Integration (CSI) coordination is a very big task and linked to TC!
Spare Slides
CSI: Common Systems & Integration (1) Pixel CSI Coordinator will have to organize and do many things: Beam-pipe planning, installation and taking care of all interface issues with the pixel detector (old & new) during Long Shutdown LS1 ~ 2013/14) Test installation during LS1 of pixel upgrade mechanics (adjustment & closing) with new beam pipe. Installation platforms, adjustment tools, inspection tools, clearance sensing & control to beam pipe in conjunction with the FPIX & BPIX groups Organization & Operations of Pixel Repair Lab at Point5 (dual use old / new pixel) Conceive, prepare, organize and get done with all required changes to services in PP1 / PP0 during LS1 that can be advanced from period in 2016/17. Stay operational with old system till installation of the upgrade pixel detector. CO2 Cooling plant: - basic conception, plant design & construction, - piping & sensors for open loop sensing or feed back - control software and interlocks Pixel test facility at TIF (PixTIF): Conception, build up and operation of pixel test facility with correct length piping and CO2 cooling plant test pixel system
CSI: Common Systems & Integration (2) Establishing & Coordination of DAQ / Power & Slow Control for complete system tests at PixTIF Shielding & radiation dose management of working people during LS1 & Installation feed back to project planning (dose spreading limits, show stopper ?) In situ power load & CO2 cooling tests with ohmic loads on installed service tube dummies and final PP0 LV-cabling & CO2-piping. Design & fabrication of dummy service tubes with ohmic loads for FPIX & BPIX. Take care and organize pixel common items: - CAEN power supplies: firmware changes (2015), planning new units for 2018) - environmental control (humidity control during installation, etc. etc. ) - Optical link components, qualification & production of POH - Pixel FED: adaptation to serial protocol, board-production, etc. Installation of new upgrade pixel system in 2016 / 2017 Prepare Software adaptation for switch over: old pixel new pixel in 2017