IP inter-working (IPI) Overview GSMA - ERO Update Meeting: TRIS - TISPAN WG4 workshop on NGN Copenhagen Doc number IPI 002_2006 ver 1.1 Overview Niall Halpenny (GSMA) 18th January 2006 Restricted - Confidential Information Access to and distribution of this document is restricted to the persons listed under the heading Security Classification Category*. This document is confidential to the Association and is subject to copyright protection. This document is to be used only for the purposes for which it has been supplied and information contained in it must not be disclosed or in any other way made available, in whole or in part, to persons other than those listed under Security Classification Category* without the prior written approval of the Association. The GSM MoU Association (“Association”) makes no representation, warranty or undertaking (express or implied) with respect to and does not accept any responsibility for, and hereby disclaims liability for the accuracy or completeness or timeliness of the information contained in this document. The information contained in this document may be subject to change without prior notice. © Copyright of the GSM Association 2004
GSMA TRIS TISPAN Meeting attendees What is IPI? Circulation – GSMA TRIS TISPAN Meeting attendees
Access versus Service Inter-Connection Payment Differentiation Per Bit More bits/ cheaper bits Effect Cheapest/Most bits Win No incentive to re-invest No incentive to provide QoS Result Only a few players in market Evolution slows Payment Differentiation Service Quality Effect Price important Incentive to re-invest in QoS Players can specialise Result Many players in market Evolution in many directions Circulation – GSMA TRIS TISPAN Meeting attendees
GSMA TRIS TISPAN Meeting attendees IPI Principles ‘Enhanced Service Environment - (ESE)’ End-to-End service delivery Service interoperability Third party management Customer protection Cascade payments Initiating party pays – responsibility for actions Supporting value-based service pricing Customer choice Circulation – GSMA TRIS TISPAN Meeting attendees
GSMA TRIS TISPAN Meeting attendees IPI goals Create environment to grow IP services Ensure customer centric sustainable model Introduce a fair distribution of value Foster continuous market growth Establish alternatives to access-only based inter-working Ensure several models available in the market Circulation – GSMA TRIS TISPAN Meeting attendees
GSMA TRIS TISPAN Meeting attendees What’s happening The full picture SIP trials MMS hubbing Long-term Strategic Value Creation PoC Instant Messaging Games Video Sharing More person-to -person services…. Circulation – GSMA TRIS TISPAN Meeting attendees
MMS Hub Experience: Volume Ramp-Up Average monthly traffic growth: 20% Data from selected a Real GRX provider routes Circulation – GSMA TRIS TISPAN Meeting attendees
Some Companies Involved Additional IPI project supporters SIP trial project Total approx 50 companies actively involved in trials Circulation – GSMA TRIS TISPAN Meeting attendees
SIP trials – What are they Global Test Network for trialling SIP/IMS services Multi-vendor Inter-connected using GRX providers Kicked off October 2004 First campaign completed February 2005 First Asian campaign initiated April 2005 2 campaigns Europe & Asia 1 Pan contintenal trial US participants expected shortly Subsequent campaigns looking at more complex services Circulation – GSMA TRIS TISPAN Meeting attendees
GSMA SIP Trial Completed Campaigns Q1 05 Q2 05 TC#1 TCEA02 Several technical extensions… Connection between IPX Proxies IPv6 and IPv4/6 conversion Accounting data collection done by IPX Proxy Basic performance related measurements Present successful inter-working between multi-vendor IMS core systems using… Standardized IMS core systems GRX routing domain Actual IMS services by Nokia Introduce the IPX hubbing model Circulation – GSMA TRIS TISPAN Meeting attendees
GSMA SIP Trial Completed Campaigns Q2 05 Q3 05 TCAP01 TCAP02 Several new trial participants – operators, carriers, and a vendor – from Asia Based on first two campaigns in Europe Several IMS services by Nokia and Siemens New trial participants: operators, carriers, and a vendor – from Asia Based on TCEA02 Several IMS services by Nokia and Siemens Circulation – GSMA TRIS TISPAN Meeting attendees
GSMA TRIS TISPAN Meeting attendees The Future Circulation – GSMA TRIS TISPAN Meeting attendees
GSMA TRIS TISPAN Meeting attendees Next steps summary Continue discussions within the wider industry Technical Commercial Regulatory authorities Support implementation of commercial agreements Establish further proof of the benefits of the concept Circulation – GSMA TRIS TISPAN Meeting attendees
GSMA TRIS TISPAN Meeting attendees Questions Circulation – GSMA TRIS TISPAN Meeting attendees
GSMA TRIS TISPAN Meeting attendees Contact Details IPI Strategy and Commercial lead: - John Boden (Vodafone) John.Boden@Vodafone.com IPI Project director: - Niall Halpenny (GSMA) nhalpenny@gsm.org IPI Project leader – Markus Muenkler (Vodafone) Markus.Muenkler@vodafone.com SIP trials Leader – Sami Ala Luukko (TeliaSonera) sami.ala-luukko@teliasonera.com SIP trials manager – Mark Hogan (GSMA) mhogan@gsm.org General queries – Orla Ryan (GSMA) Oryan@gsm.org Circulation – GSMA TRIS TISPAN Meeting attendees