Vocab List #8: The Great Gatsby 1. Feign (v)- to make believe; pretend 2. Supercilious (adj)- arrogant; smug 3. Complacent (adj)- smug or comfortable, without awareness of some potential danger or defect 4. Intimation (n)- subtle suggestion; hint 5. Languid (adj)- lacking in spirit; lazy 6. Deft (adj)- nimble; skillful; clever 7. Permeate (v)- to pass into or through every part of; pervade; saturate 8. Innuendo (n)- an indirect inappropriate comment or conversation 9. Erroneous (adj)- mistaken; incorrect 10. Vehement (adj)- intense; passionate 11. Cordial (adj)- courteous; gracious; friendly 12. Impetuous (adj)- impulsive; capricious 13. Vacuous (adj)- lacking in ideas or intelligence; empty-headed 14. Provincial (adj)- unsophisticated and/or narrow-minded due to being sheltered 15. Din (n)- a continued loud sound; noisy clamor
Vocab Activity 8.1 Option 1: Using words 1-8 on List 8, write sentences that relate to literature from 9th-11th grade. Option 2: Write a story about your vacation (real or fictional).
Vocab Activity 8.1 1/2 Using words 9-15 on List 8, write sentences that relate to literature from 9th-11th grade. Suggestions: Of Mice and Men, To Kill a Mockingbird, Romeo & Juliet, Lord of the Flies, Antigone, 12 Angry Men, short stories, anything else you can think of. Or you can use anything we have read this year, such as The Crucible, Catcher, Into the Wild, poems, speeches, etc.
Vocab Activity 8.2 Using all the words on List 8 correctly, write one of the following options, making sure to be very accurate with details from the novel, and careful in making this sound exactly like the type of creative text you chose. Crime article about the violence between Tom and Myrtle (Ch. 2) 2. Break-up letter from Nick to his girlfriend back home 3. A note from Gatsby to Nick, asking him on an outing and sharing his observations with him 4. Something else Gatsby-related that you come up with on your own!
Vocab List #8 Parts of Speech 1. Feign (v) 2. Supercilious (adj) superciliously (adv); superciliousness (n) 3. Complacent (adj) complacently (adv); complacence (n) 4. Intimation (n) intimate (v) 5. Languid (adj) languidly (adv); languish (v); languidness (n) 6. Deft (adj) deftly (adv); deftness (n) 7. Permeate (v) permeation (n) 8. Innuendo (n) 9. Erroneous (adj) erroneously (adv); erroneousness (n) 10. Vehement (adj) vehemently (adv); vehemence (n) 11. Cordial (adj) cordially (adv); cordiality (n) 12. Impetuous (adj) impetuously (adv); impetuosity (n) 13. Vacuous (adj) vacuously (adv) 14. Provincial (adj) provincially (adv); provinciality (n) 15. Din (n)
Santa Letter ( (not one of the options, but to see the words used correctly) Dear Santa, Even though I am Jewish and don’t celebrate Christmas, I will feign believing in you so that I can write this letter. I think I deserve to be on the nice list this year, because I’ve worked hard and tried not to be languid. I’ve also tried not to be supercilious, but sometimes I slip up when I’m talking to someone vacuous or provincial. I’ve engaged in minimal innuendo, and I’ve tried to be more impetuous. I know being impetuous is usually seen as a bad thing, but it can also be positive if it makes you try new things and seize the day. I won’t make an intimation about what I want as a gift this year, because then you might not know what I’m talking about and erroneously get me something useless. Instead, I vehemently request a new laptop. Lastly, I want to say how much I admire your cordial behavior with children and your deftness when it comes to navigating your sleigh over the din of the world. Your generosity permeates the hearts of many. -Ms. Bond PS. Just a warning – don’t be complacent around your elves. There are some evil ones who might be trying to overthrow you.
Vocab Activity 8.3 Using all the words on list 9, write sentences describing the events of The Great Gatsby, or poems read recently.
Vocab Review For each question, write a sentence in response that uses the vocabulary word in the question. 1. Describe a situation when you feigned something, and why. 2. Identify a celebrity who is supercilious. 3. Describe a time you were complacent, and what the result was. 4. Why might you make an intimation about something instead of saying it outright? 5. Who is the most languid person you know? (no one here) 6. What are you deft at? 7. Describe an idea you have been exposed to that has permeated and inspired you. 8. Describe an innuendo you have seen on a TV show or a movie. 9. Have you ever been erroneous about something? What was it? 10. What is something you feel vehemently about? 11. Why are people usually taught to be cordial? 12. Why are people usually taught not to be impetuous? 13. Who is the most vacuous person you know? (no one here) 14. What might a provincial person do in order to expand their worldview? 15. Name the place where you’ve heard the loudest din.