WITSA Global Policy Action Committee March 16, 2013, Lisbon, Portugal www.witsa.org
AGENDA Welcome Rapid Roundtable – to identify emerging issues Key issues for 2014 Internet Governance International Trade Privacy, security and data protection Principles – privacy, security and data protection Focus of WCIT Declaration Any other business www.witsa.org
Welcome Remarks Tim Conway www.witsa.org
Rapid Roundtable Emerging Policy Issues Affecting Members Stocktake Prioritization Agreed action www.witsa.org
Key Issues for 2014 Internet Governance Report from Dr Yokozawa (Feb Geneva meetings) NETmundial meeting (April) IGF Istanbul (Sept) Trade in ICT Goods and Services WTO Bali outcome ITA (Anders) Privacy, Security and Data Protection www.witsa.org
Privacy, Security and Data Protection Principles Everyone has the right to privacy Govts must acknowledge and codify those rights Govts need to undertake surveillance (criminal activity, national security) but limited in scale & scope Transparent legal frameworks Transparency reporting of data requests Cross-jurisdictional frameworks www.witsa.org
Focus of WCIT2014 Declaration www.witsa.org
Any Other Business www.witsa.org