HPMS Basketball
Foundation for Success We are the foundation for the HPHS Lady Scots basketball program. Please encourage your daughter to communicate with her coaches directly. Questions concerning practices, games, ACE fees, health or injuries should go to coaches. 7th Coaches: 8th Coaches: Amy Conover Julianne Harper Erin Jollay Lauren Shelley
Communication Chain of command Coach MS Girls’ Coordinator: Ben Fuqua (fuquab@hpisd.org) District Girls’ Coordinator: Susan Bailey (baileys@hpisd.org)
Expectations of Athletes Good academic standings Positive Example Healthy training procedures Proper care of equipment Have shirt or jacket over uniform when not playing Do NOT take uniform home to wash Keep parents updated of changes/check website Report injuries/illnesses to coaches Be ON TIME and attend all practices and games!
Absences Athlete should communicate with coaches if she will be missing a practice or a game. (Email if day-of) Tutorials: 8th morning; 7th afternoon to avoid conflict Please AIM to schedule doctor’s appointments outside of practice and games. Unexcused practice/game = conditioning/loss of playing time Athletes will sit out for number of games missed regardless of why it is missed
Role of Parent Be supportive of the entire team! Please plan outside activities in accordance with the schedule. Take your daughter to attend high school games Middle school night at the varsity game: 7th → Jan. 6th 8th → Jan. 3rd Leave the coaching to us during the game. Bring friends and family to support Lady Raiders basketball! ** ACE fees: pay online (skyward should be set up!) or checks to school
Schedule High School Schedule can be found online! 7th grade – Monday nights Exceptions: Jan. 4th (Wed.), Jan. 18th (Wed.) 8th grade – Thursday nights Exceptions: Dec. 12** (Mon.) Feb. 15 (Wed.) High School Schedule can be found online! Order of Games: games will start 15 min. after prior game Gold (5 pm) White (6 pm) Red (7 pm)
Practice Schedule 7th grade – Mornings Game days – 7:30am Practices start at 6:30am Game days – 7:30am Day after games – 7:00am 8th grade – Afternoons Mon 4:15 Tues 3:45 (Red/White stay until 4:15) Wed 3:45 (Gold stays until 4:15) Friday 4:00
Travel Release Form Form must be given to coaches before we leave the school If parent is not taking student home, the travel release form must say who is taking her home Parents MUST sign student out before leaving the game so coaches have an accurate head count This form will be online on the coaches websites
Upcoming… 7th game → Nov. 28th intersquad scrimmage 8th game → Dec. 1st intersquad scrimmage Please have student return parent/student signature form TOMORROW at practice. If you have questions, please find the coach you need.
Contact Info 7th coaches Amy Conover - conovea@hpisd.org Erin Jollay - jollaye@hpisd.org 8th Coaches Julianne Harper - harperj@hpisd.org Lauren Shelley - carterla@hpisd.org MS Coordinator Ben Fuqua - fuquab@hpisd.org District Coordinator Susan Bailey - baileys@hpisd.org 8th grade parents: Join this messaging system to receive updates about any changes to the schedule, reminders, or last minute info! TO: 81010 @hpms8bball