Diabetic Retinopathy : Magnitude COSI, New Delhi November 21-22, 2008 Abraham George. North West India Area Sightsavers International www.sightsavers.org
Global Causes of Blindness (Source: Global Action plan, 2006-2011, Vision 2020) www.sightsavers.org
Major causes of blindness: India (50+ yrs population, VA < 3/60) Major causes of blindness: India (50+ yrs population, VA < 3/60) (Source: NPCB 1999-2001 survey) Cataract 63% RE 20% Glaucoma 5.8% Corneal pathologies 0.9% Posterior 4.7% www.sightsavers.org
Global and Indian Prevalence of diabetes mellitus WHO projection on Diabetes[1] 2000 2030 (Population) (No. of Diabetics) (Prevalence %) (No.of Diabetics) World 6,081,527,896 171,000,000 2.80% 8,206,457,382 366,000,000 4.50% India 1,002,708,291 31,705,000 3.20% 1,420,769,842 79,441,000 5.60% www.sightsavers.org
DR Magnitude 60% of Type 2 diabetics with over 20 yrs history will show evidence of DR (AIIMS) Cataract increasingly better managed in many states DR likely to become major cause of VI & blindness in India Much more complex than cataract management Wider collaboration to manage www.sightsavers.org 5
DR Magnitude (Source: WHO) No. diabetics in India (mn) India will have the highest no. of diabetics in the world by 2025, at 57 mn (WHO) www.sightsavers.org 6
DR management (Source: WHO) No. diabetics in India (mn) V/s No. showing retinopathy (mn) India will have the highest no. of diabetics in the world by 2025, at 57 mn (WHO) 25% of all diabetics will have some form of retinopathy – 15 mn by 2025 www.sightsavers.org 7
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