“the fundamental purpose of school is learning...” Richard DuFour D-BACK Advisory “the fundamental purpose of school is learning...” Richard DuFour
Example Growth Mindset in Action “It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with the problem longer.”
What is D-Back? Every Wednesday all students have one hour designated for ‘D-Back Advisory.’ D-Back provides students with academic and emotional support during the school day. All students are assigned a ‘D-Back Advisory.’ On your schedule students have a Block 5. This is your ‘D- Back Advisory’ class. Students must report to their ‘D-Back Advisory’ at the start of every D-Back hour.
What is D-Back? Opportunity to make meaningful connections with your peers and staff. Provides students with personal and academic guidance Provides students with one-on-one academic support. Opportunity to make up or redo assignments and exams. Builds school culture through enrichment and team building (Link Crew) activities.
D-Back Bell Schedule The first 10 minutes teachers will take attendance and make important school wide announcements. During this time DBTV will deliver “UMHS Breaking News.”
D-Back Expectations No PASS, No GO This is not a “free period.” All students must work on something academic. Come prepared and ready to work. Teachers have access to AERIES and will be checking grades. Students are only allowed one movement per D-Back. No cell phones during D-Back. Once the travel period is over all students must remain in class.
If a student wishes to visit another class for academic reasons If a student wishes to visit another class for academic reasons. They must meet with that teacher and request a D-Back Advisory Pass. The teacher has the right to deny this request. If the teacher approves the request you will sign in on the ‘Travel Request” form. Students will only fill in their name. All other columns will be completed upon arrival. The teacher will also hand you a D-Back Advisory Pass. You will not be allowed to leave without this pass. TRAVEL REQUEST
D-Back Pass Students must receive a pass from the teacher before Wednesday. All students must report to their homeroom for attendance. Students check into your D-Back homeroom and announcements are over, present your pass to your advisory teacher. Students must then sign ‘Travel Log’ before leaving. Please list academic reason for traveling. Ex. Redo Unit 1 Assessment
TRAVEL LOG Once you have presented your pass and announcements are over. The travel period will begin. Before leaving your D-Back Advisory hand the D-Back Pass to your advisory teacher and sign the ‘Travel Log.” You are only allowed one transfer per D-Back.
Developing a GROWTH MINDSET “Academic achievement is a result of sustained effort rather than innate ability.” Our goal is for every student to succeed as a result of their hard work and effort. Union Mine HS has high expectations for all students but we also understand that we ALL need help and support when learning. D-Back Advisory is designed to provide you with that support.
How To Help Every Child Fulfill Their Potential Carol Dweck – Growth Mindset – Long Video https://youtu.be/Yl9TVbAal5s Growth Mindset – Short Video https://youtu.be/ElVUqv0v1EE
Growth Mindset Stanford University psychologist Carol Dweck has researched how the views and beliefs that we have of ourselves impact the decisions we make. Fixed Mindset: Basic qualities, like intelligence or talent, are simply fixed traits. People with a fixed mindset believe that talent alone creates success and effort does not matter. Growth Mindset: Basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work… Innate ability and talent are just the starting point. Think – Pair – Share Activity Do you agree with Dweck? Do the views and beliefs we have of ourselves impact the decisions we make?
Critical Reading Strategies As a class, please read “You Can Grow Your Intelligence.” Number the paragraphs Circle vocabulary words or unfamiliar concepts Highlight/Underline main ideas Write questions in the margins.