Saturn By: Tucker and Brody
The History of the planet Saturn Saturn was named after Cronus. Cronus was a Greek god adopted by the Romans and renamed him to Saturn. Saturn is the god of Agriculture, and the father of Jupiter.
The discovery of the planet Saturn Saturn was discovered in 1610 by a man named Galileo. He knew that the celestial body was a planet, but it looked like it had little ears on the side of it . He never figured out what they were. Later after so many years a scientist found out they weren’t ears but rings. Saturn’s rings are made mostly of water ice particles.
Saturn’s Planet Structure Saturn’s planet structure is made of Molecular hydrogen, Metallic hydrogen, Hydrogen, Helium, methane gas, mantle (water, ammonia, methane ices) Core (rock and Ice.) Like all the other outer planets in the solar system Saturn is a gas giant.
The Atmosphere of Saturn Saturn’s atmosphere contains 75% hydrogen, 25% helium, methane, water ice and ammonia.
The motion of Saturn Saturn’s period of rotation is 10 hours, 42 minutes. It’s period of revolution is 29 years, and 155 days. The temperature is -140 degrees Celsius.
Saturn’s missions Voyager 2 brought back close-up views of Saturn. In 1997 Cassini space probe was launched on a seven-year journey to Saturn. So it could detach from Saturn and go to its largest moon Titan.
Data The distance from the sun is 1.3 light hours away. Diameter is 120,536 kilometers. Saturn’s gravity is 92% of Earth’s gravity. Some of Saturn’s moons are Titan, Rhea, Iapetus, Mimas, Enceladus, Tethys, Dione, Hyperion, and Phobe.
Bibliography Holt Science & Technology Earth Science