Golgi Apparatus Golgi Apparatus http://www.sciencephoto.com/image/214898/530wm/G4600114-Golgi_apparatus,_TEM-SPL.jpg Golgi Apparatus Golgi Apparatus Stephen McCarthy
Processes and transports proteins and lipids http://micro.magnet.fsu.edu/cells/golgi/golgiapparatus.html Processes and transports proteins and lipids Receives from smooth and rough ER Receives at Cis Face Releases at Trans Face Macromolecules exported in vesicles
Each Lumen contains different enzymes Lumen These contain enzymes Each Lumen contains different enzymes http://shs.westport.k12.ct.us/asr/Bio%202/webquests/cell%20city/organelle%20links/golgi2.gif
The Golgi apparatus is like the postal service Receives proteins and lipids, like the postal service received mail or packages Prepares these macromolecules for destinations in the cell, like the postal service sorts and delivers its parcels Transported in small vesicles, like the cars used to deliver mail to a destination http://99problems.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/post-office.jpg http://pptbusiness.net/img/United-States-Postal-Service.gif