Warm Up Read a passage titled, “An Egyptian Wonder” and answer comprehension questions.
Behavioral Expectations *Kickboard will be continued to track individual behaviors, and will be reviewed for students who are participating in extra curricular activities.
Academic Vocabulary Word of the Day! Support- Offer evidence, examples, details, or data in order to illustrate or bolster your claim or conclusion. Cite those sources of information that justify your position. *Who can use this word in a sentence? *Who can think of any synonyms for this word?
Objective- SWBAT understand Egyptian social structure and daily life.
A persons social class or status is mostly defined by the work he or she does. The jobs people do may affect their place in society. Why do you think some jobs have a higher status than others? Which jobs do you think have the highest status in our society today? (Turn and talk)
Most societies have different social classes, can anyone give an example of a social order discussed in our previous units??
Egypt was home to about 5 million people and each took on a different role which reflected their social status. Who can remember some of the other jobs/occupations people of Egypt had?
Guided Reading “How People Lived” As we work through the reading discuss the way daily life differs between each social class
Independent Practice *From which class would you find someone to repair your sandals? *From which class would you buy seeds? *From which class would you find someone to write out a contract for you? *To whom would you turn for resolution to a dispute?
Group Work Each group will be assigned a different social group and asked to write a journal entry detailing their daily activities. Please have a: -Recorder -Time keeper -Facilitator -Someone who shares
Closure I will call on students randomly and ask you to detail the daily lives of different social classes.
Homework Unskilled Workers Handout.