Population Migration After completing this lesson, Student will be able to: Identify factors that impact population distribution.
Where does the world live? Population Distribution The pattern of human development Where people live Population Density The average number of people living in a Sq. mile/km. What impact does population density have on geography?
Population Migration Migration is the movement of people from one place to another. Why do people want to move? Escape oppression Avoid Natural Disaster Economic opportunity Many people migrate from rural areas to urban areas in search of jobs This is known as urbanization Rural Vietnam
Push/Pull Factors Push Factors- Generally a negative reason why someone would want to migrate to another location. Escape oppression Economic Political Social Avoid Natural Disaster Hurricane Katrina Escape Poverty
Push/Pull Factors Pull Factors- generally a positive reason why someone would want to migrate to another location. Economic reasons; new better job Historically, to be close to natural resources Any factor that enhances a persons well being after they have migrated.
Urbanization Most urban areas are functional regions. As such they are generally centers of business and commerce. Many people throughout the world migrate to cities in order to find better jobs. What type of jobs are prominent in most highly developed cities? Service/high tech jobs* What is the urbanization rate of the USA? 82.4%
Rural Areas Definition varies by circumstance; Typical rural areas have a low population density and small settlements. Mostly agricultural areas Landform distribution may have some influence. South America North America North Africa Western China Eastern Russia
What factor most contributes to the population density of the Western United States
Other Factors Physical Geography has a large influence on where people live and why. Do you remember this slide? What was the most important factor in the location of these major American cities? Water
Other Factors Natural resources also played a huge role in the development of American cities and population distribution. Pittsburgh, Pa San Francisco, Ca Chisholm Trail
Pittsburgh, PA Pittsburgh was developed at the “Location” where the Ohio, Alleghany, and Monongahela rivers converged. Coal was discovered in the Northeastern U.S. around Pittsburgh. Coal from the area and Iron were used to make Steel. Steel was used to build America during the Industrial revolution
San Francisco, Ca 1848 Gold was discovered in Northern California. Many people migrated to take advantage of this resource. San Francisco is one of the more sophisticated, progressive areas of the U.S. Many railroads were built to transport people to California. Cities were developed along the railroads
Chisholm Trail As cattle were driven north to be transported east by railroad. Many cities were developed on the Chisholm Trail. Many people sold goods to the drovers pushing the cattle. Interstate highways mirror the original trail
Review Population distribution is impacted by many factors. Many people will migrate in order to improve their standard of living; Push or Pull factors. Physical Geography has a large bering on the location of cities and where people ultimately choose to live.