WHAT ARE MARKETERS ? but adverts evoke creativity and humor But .. A person whose duties include the identification of the goods and services desired by a set of consumers, as well as the marketing of those goods and services on behalf of a company. But .. “Advertising” can be a dirty word, but adverts evoke creativity and humor
Sometimes people overload the ad perceive just too much advertising. BLUNDERS ARE ? Sometimes people overload the ad perceive just too much advertising. This advertising’s constant interruptions cause significant frustration in people.
What do people actually complain about? And How do we avoid making them?
Continued.. There is plenty of ideas for improvement in advertising. Analyze millions of tweets to identify the good and the bad. Exploring the negative comments reveals opportunities to learn & grow.
“ADVERTISING”, but can instantly name an “ad” they love. What Survey Says? According to survey we often find, people are indifferent and negative towards… “ADVERTISING”, but can instantly name an “ad” they love.
We researched millions of organic conversations on twitter over 1 year Continued… We researched millions of organic conversations on twitter over 1 year 60% 40% There were around 3 million favorable tweets about ads in the survey period. There were around 2 million negative tweets about ads in the survey period.
SOURCES OF FRUSTRATION TV: Television adverts triggered the greatest number of negative comments and complaints ONLINE Advertising on social networks and music streaming services ranked second in terms of complaint volumes NEWS PAPERS News paper triggered enough complaints to rank third in terms of overall volume RADIO Radio advertising triggered enough complaints to rank fourth in terms of overall volume
MARKETING MISDEED Poor Targeting Deceptive Claims Marketing Saturation Constant Interruption Poor quality Creative Excessive Repetition Insensitivity & Selfishness
POOR TARGETING Some advertisers still struggle with empathy and appropriate targeting. Timing is key; get the moment wrong and you’ll do more harm than good.
DECEPTIVE CLAIMS Negative comments arise when claims don’t match the product expertise. People also express frustration with storylines that don’t relate to real life.
MARKETING SATURATION Ad overload: People perceive, there is just too much advertising This has resulted in frustration with Advertising in general.
CONSTANT INTERRUPTION Advertising’s constant interruptions cause significant frustration. The frequency and duration of advertisements frustrate people too. This applies to all media, not just broadcast entertainment.
POOR QUALITY CREATIVE Poor quality advertising makes these interruptions even more frustrating Bad use of music and audio is the particular source of irritation
EXCESSIVE REPETITION Repetition is one of the most frequent triggers of complaint and frustration.
INSENSITIVITY & SELFISHNESS Adverts that don’t reflect society’s concern trigger frequent negativity. Public service announcements don’t work in the audience switches off.
WHAT SHOULD BE DONE TO OVERCOME THESE NEGATIVE COMMENTS? ADVERTISE SELECTIVELY Quality beats quantity; aim for fewer, bigger, better activities. ADD VALUE, NOT VOLUME Only advertise when you have something meaningful to add to the audience’s life.
PERSUASION NOT INVASION BAD MEDIUM, BAD MESSAGE Just because you can advertise anywhere doesn’t mean you should. PERSUASION NOT INVASION Avoid ad formats and technology with a disruptive ‘user experience’. AVOID BRAND EGOCENTRISM Understand what the audience wants, not just what the brand wants.
MAKE SOUND CHOICES Take extra care when selecting areas of subjective taste such as music RESEARCH BEFORE REACH Use every tool available to inform your understanding of your audience RIGHT PLACE, RIGHT TIME Aim for moments with meaning rather than simply aiming for mass reach
SET REALISTIC EXPECTATION INVEST WHERE IT MATTERS Don’t overpromise in your ad claims if your product is not delivered on time. INVEST WHERE IT MATTERS If your product does not deliver your brand promise, fix it before advertising.
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