Roster Judge Roster Notations Challenged - Postal Return - The person was sent a postal verification card and the card was returned to the county as undeliverable. If the voter insists they are eligible to vote in that precinct judges should use the challenge procedure. Challenged - Felony - The voter has a felony conviction on record. The right to vote is restored once the sentence is complete. If the person states they have completed their sentence, judges should use the challenge procedure. Challenged – Guardianship - The person is an adult who was placed under guardianship and the court order specifies that he/she has lost the right to vote. Note: a guardianship of the person is not the same as a “conservatorship,” in which a person’s financial decisions are made by another but the person is still allowed to vote.
Roster Judge duty bag includes: Instructions Samples Forms Supplies
Roster Judges A-L M-R S-Z the Polling Place Make sure you have a flow pattern in your polling place. In the General Election you can expect lines when you open at 7 am. Try not to have congestion at the entrance of the polling place. Place a judge at 7am at the front door with the Master list to help direct voters. If you have your precinct set up before 7am, take your master list and go through the lines outside to make sure everyone is in the right precinct. Roster Judges A-L M-R S-Z
1. Ask the voter their name Ensure voter privacy 2. Locate the voter’s name on the roster Do NOT allow voters to scan pages of the roster Roster Notations Challenged - Postal Return - The person was sent a postal verification card and the card was returned to the county as undeliverable. If the voter insists they are eligible to vote in that precinct judges should use the challenge procedure. Challenged - Felony - The voter has a felony conviction on record. The right to vote is restored once the sentence is complete. If the person states they have completed their sentence, judges should use the challenge procedure. Challenged – Guardianship - The person is an adult who was placed under guardianship and the court order specifies that he/she has lost the right to vote. Note: a guardianship of the person is not the same as a “conservatorship,” in which a person’s financial decisions are made by another but the person is still allowed to vote.
Does the voter have to show ID at the roster table
3. Point out the oath located at the top of the roster page The voter is affirming their information is correct . . . Post this laminated sign at the roster table Roster Notations Challenged - Postal Return - The person was sent a postal verification card and the card was returned to the county as undeliverable. If the voter insists they are eligible to vote in that precinct judges should use the challenge procedure. Challenged - Felony - The voter has a felony conviction on record. The right to vote is restored once the sentence is complete. If the person states they have completed their sentence, judges should use the challenge procedure. Challenged – Guardianship - The person is an adult who was placed under guardianship and the court order specifies that he/she has lost the right to vote. Note: a guardianship of the person is not the same as a “conservatorship,” in which a person’s financial decisions are made by another but the person is still allowed to vote.
Voter s Signature Voter’s signature 4. Have voters sign using a black or blue pen . . .Election judges use RED pens Election Roster - Washington County November 2012 Signature Voter’s signature Voter’s signature Voter’s signature Voter s Signature
Acceptable notations on the Roster 11/02/2012 STATE GENERAL ELECTION – NOVEMBER 06, 2012 Voter’s signature AB Voter’s signature curbside voter Voter’s signature Signature Voter’s signature military AB Voter’s signature A.B. Correct voter’s signature Voter signs on the wrong line
What happens if? voter’s signature A voter signs the roster, then realizes they are no longer at that address, OR; they are now at the wrong precinct voter’s signature If NOT crossed off, your counts will be off If the voter signs again, they will appear to have voted twice This information is then sent to the attorney’s office and results in a police investigation for voter fraud and a permanent record in their file Use a RED pen to cross out their name, and; Make a notation on the incident log
“Challenge…” on the roster An election judge shall challenge any voter with “Challenge” printed by the voter’s name on the roster See challenge questions . . . Challenged - other Challenged – postal return Challenged - felony Challenged – guardianship
“challenge” process Be discreet when asking questions Or direct the voter to the head judge M.S. 204C.07 – Challengers must be residents of Minnesota M.S. 204C.12 Challenges must be presented in writing. A state form must be completed to include: The ground for the challenge A statement that the challenge is based on the challenger’s personal knowledge A statement that the challenge is made under oath Space for the challenger’s printed name, signature, telephone number, and address Questions can be found on the reverse side of the roster judge duty card
School District (ISD) The school district is located on the roster here…. …This affects precincts with multiple ballot styles and the color of your voter receipt(s)
Do you have more than one ballot style in your precinct? 622 VOTER’S RECEIPT Give this receipt to the voter only after the voter has signed the roster Direct the voter to take this receipt to the ballot judge precinct # ___ 832 VOTER’S RECEIPT Give this receipt to the voter only after the voter has signed the roster Direct the voter to take this receipt to the ballot judge precinct # ___ 624 VOTER’S RECEIPT Give this receipt to the voter only after the voter has signed the roster Direct the voter to take this receipt to the ballot judge precinct # ___ 833 VOTER’S RECEIPT Give this receipt to the voter only after the voter has signed the roster Direct the voter to take this receipt to the ballot judge precinct # ___ 831 VOTER’S RECEIPT Give this receipt to the voter only after the voter has signed the roster Direct the voter to take this receipt to the ballot judge precinct # ___ Give this receipt to the voter only after the voter has signed the roster 834 VOTER’S RECEIPT Direct the voter to take this receipt to the ballot judge precinct # ___ . . . do NOT number them
What’s wrong with this? A B C D E 1 moved 2 6 3 Voter’s signature 4 5
Return a form in your canvas bag Roster corrections - TYPOS or duplicates Voter signs the roster – an election judge makes notation on the roster corrections form 1234 Robert Votes 8/8/91 s/b Robert VoteR pg 999876 Michael 10/10/36 Should be MichEAl pg 91011 Junior Voter 8/8/91 roster shows ave s/b LN pg 5678 Jane Voter 8/8/91 roster shows 8/8/90 pg 88889 Kid voter 8/8/90 duplicate – correct DOB lb 88887 Kid voter 8/8/89 duplicate – merge with ID 88889 If there are NO roster corrections, take a form, write ‘none’ on the form and . . . Not used for: Deceased Moved to another apt Name changes The word ‘moved’ Return a form in your canvas bag
Request to withhold voter information from public information list at the roster table PRINT: Voter’s last name First name Middle name Street address City ZIP Date of birth Voter’s Signature Today’s date Have the voter sign the roster and complete this form Their name will appear on rosters, but not on public mailing lists Place the form in your canvas bag If there were no requests at the roster table, remove one form from the blue book, write the words ‘roster none’ on the form and place it in your canvas bag Return a form in the canvas bag
Return at least one form in your canvas bag even if there were . . . Notification of death “none” Any voter or an election judge can complete the “Notification of Death” form Return at least one form in your canvas bag even if there were . . .
What’s returned in the 7:00 a.m. Roster Judge duty bag? Laminated instructions Instructions in sheet protectors
8:00 p.m. plastic bags?
If you have any questions, contact us at: Washington County 651-430-6790 Carol Peterson, Elections Supervisor Judy Wertheimer Pat Gillen Dawn Johnson Mallory Hoffmann We will be here from 6 am until the last blue supply box has been returned to the county. There will be no one here until 6 am in the morning to answer the phone.