MEASUREMENT OF ATTIC TEMPERATURE IN RESIDENTIAL BUILDING ATF 2016 4th International Conference on Applied Technology, 15-17 September 2016, Leuven, Belgium MEASUREMENT OF ATTIC TEMPERATURE IN RESIDENTIAL BUILDING Rastislav Ingeli1 1 Department of Building Structures, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Radlinského 11, 810 05 Bratislava, Slovakia. Email: ABSTRACT The main objective of building design is energy saving while the risk of overheating is not considered. This paper analyzes results of measurement of overheating of flat of residential building which is situation under roof. Indoor microclimate measurements lasted for one hot summer month and were carried out at the time when there was building occupancy. There were about three persons. In addition to analysis of measured data, we have proposed modifications that eliminate overheating in flat. In terms of overheating occurrences, the most critical measures are the insulation and the increase of the airtightness. The contribution of decreasing the g value of the window glazing is positive. The way to energy efficiency improvements also results in an extension of the overheating period and higher average and maximum building temperatures. The increase of the ventilation rates and the use of shading systems are useful measures for preventing overheating increase. Nowadays the simulation of the thermal comfort on the model of the apartment is being carried out. The results of the simulation will be correlated with the experimental results. Different types of designs ensuring the elimination of the overheating will be modeled. OBJECTIVE The residential building is situated on Vrútocká street number 34 – 42 in the city of Bratislava. The type base of the panel structural system ZT (unified type) was worked out by Stavoprojekt Bratislava in 1966 as a next evolutional stage of the structural system T06 B. Regarding terrace houses the load bearing system of the buildings is created by transverse load bearing walls. The module plan of the load bearing walls is 3600 mm and 2700 mm. On the top of the building the loft extension was built up whose project documentation was not supplied. The roof construction of the attic has the shape of a gambrel roof (Fig.2). METHOD The experimental measurements were carried out over the summer. Installed devices were used for two months. For experimental assessment were used following devices. Datalogger (Fig. 2) for sensing the room temperature and the relative humidity was placed in the analysis of the room. For sensing temperature in the attic space was used central station with 20 temperature sensors (Fig. 3). For the experiment were used only six temperature sensors. Temperature sensors were placed on the surface of the underroof, the upper edge of the thermal insulation, the bottom of the insulation (Fig. 4). ILLUSTRATIONS Maximum temperature ( 33°C) 15:30 o´clock Figure 1: Ground plan and cross section of room Figure 5: The course of the temperature in the apartment under attic space 08.11.2015 - 27.10.2015 Figure 2: Datalogger Figure 3: Datalogger Maximum temperature ( 33°C) 15:30 o´clock Manimum temperature ( 27°C) 6:20 o´clock Figure 4: Location of temperature sensors Figure 6:. The course of the temperature in the apartment under attic space 13. 08. 2015 CONCLUSIONS Based on experimental measurements, we can see that in the apartment which is in the attic space the thermal comfort is not obtained. It comes to overheating in the summer period. The exterior temperature is so high that the apartment can not cool down during night. The cheapest adjustment is to design the shadings of skylights. Another option is the design of the insulation of the roof and the ventilation of the attic space. The last alternative is the design of air-conditioning in the apartment. Nowadays the simulation of the thermal comfort on the model of the apartment is being carried out. The results of the simulation will be correlated with the experimental results. Different types of designs ensuring the elimination of the overheating will be modeled. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This research was supported by the project VEGA No. 1/0087/16 research project of Slovak University of Technology.