Service Learning Pedagogy at Your Institution Jeffrey Spies COS | SHARE | UVA @jeffspies
Assumption Technology is important to us.
Assumption Technology continually evolves.
Therefore We must continually learn in order to keep up with technology.
Recommendation Do not learn new technology.
Recommendation Learn how to learn new technology.
Recommendation Do not teach new technology Recommendation Do not teach new technology. Teach how to learn technology.
Assumption While something is being learned, that something may not be appreciated.
Recommendation Use pedagogy that considers motivations, both local and long-term. What I care about now. I’ll probably get a job in the real world.
Assumption In the real world, we (mostly) work independently.
Assumption In the real world, we (mostly) learn independently.
Recommendation Create learning environments that emulate the real world and thus support independent learning.
Assumptions In the real world, we work on real-world projects.
Assumptions In the real world, we learn on real-world projects. We problem solve We architect
Recommendation Learn using real-world projects.
Recommendations Learn how to learn. Teach how to learn Recommendations Learn how to learn. Teach how to learn. Consider motivations. Support independent learning. Use real-world projects.
Service learning Balances instruction with a pragmatic, real-life opportunity to serve in the community.
The Pedagogy Learning how to learn via big, meaningful, real-world projects in a supportive environment that fosters independence and ownership.
The Pedagogy Learning how to learn via big, meaningful, real-world projects in a supportive environment that fosters independence and ownership.
*gulp* “Big? Meaningful? Real-world? Mine?”
Learning is scary. Learning is lonely Learning is scary. Learning is lonely. Responsibility is scary and lonely.
Learning how to learn Everyone feels this way Learning how to learn Everyone feels this way. This is a supportive environment. You are no longer under-resourced.
Independent is not alone Google Stack Overflow Open source code (e.g., Github) Read local code Asking questions of local experts Asking for help breaking down problems Code review Read docs, read code, ask
Learning is frustrating. Frustration undermines learning Learning is frustrating. Frustration undermines learning. This is a cyclic process.
A Lot to Learn Knowledge Problem solving Breaking down problems Evaluating solutions Comparing solutions Evaluating success
Learning how to learn Frustration is normal. Everyone feels this way Learning how to learn Frustration is normal. Everyone feels this way. Make it work for you rather than against you.
The Role of Frustration
Repeat the following: Frustration is normal. Frustration is expected Repeat the following: Frustration is normal. Frustration is expected. I am not different. Repeat this.
The role of frustration? Frustration is a cue that we need help. Repeat this.
Frustration as a heuristic Just starting out: 45-60 minutes Advanced: 90 minutes Novel: 180 minutes Repeat this.
What doesn’t work Too many questions. Not enough questions. Repeat this.
Questions Don’t provide answers. Provide tips to find answers. Repeat this.
The role of frustration The role of frustration? Frustration is a cue that we need help the problem is too big Repeat this.
The Goal
You are here. The problem is now consumable based upon where you are in your learning.
Spiraling around the solution--being frustrated--helped you solve the next problem.
Learning is Problem Solving Break down problem into incremental, consumable problems Solve consumable problem Evaluate constraints of solution and interactions with future consumables Repeat
History In the classroom Introduced pre-COS Applied at scale at COS Total since May 2013: 115 Hired full-time: 19 Multiple semesters/summers: 52% 115 interns / hired 15 45 out of 86 have been with us
Internships & Independent Studies
COS Total since May 2013: 115 Hired full-time: 19 Multiple semesters/summers: 52%
Independent studies and internships require learning. Again mission…but the basic problem we solve is....
Common goals build trust in the pedagogy. This is not a means of getting free work without putting time into it.
Internship Goals Provide value to COS Provide value to interns
COS Goals To hire you Get stuff done Improve scholarship
Intern Goals Learn something Learn real-world skills Build resume Change science
Common Goals You learn so you can build stuff You build stuff to put it on your resume You build your resume so you’re more hirable (by us)
Your job To learn To be frustrated
Repeat the following: Frustration is normal. Frustration is expected Repeat the following: Frustration is normal. Frustration is expected. I am not different. Repeat this.
How to choose tech Community Inclusivity Diversity Learn-/Teach-ability Functionality
You don’t have to be technical to be a mentor to technical interns. The Pragmattic Programmer
Compensate your interns With money or credits Compensate your interns With money or credits. If you can’t give credits, find a faculty member who can that wants a very easy independent study. Repeat this.
Saman Ehsan
@osframework, @jeffspies Find this presentation at 20160713_share_pedagogy_spies.pptx Service Learning Pedagogy at Your Institution @osframework, @jeffspies